PvP is basically dead and here is why

Procs are dumb too, Sudden Death and Dance of Chi-Ji come to mind. They have no obvious tells and without addons burst can seemingly come out of nowhere. Which adds to barrier to entry.

Should be able to farm currency from every activity, BG wins should drop some soul ash/relic fragments/X but obviously at a smaller rate.

Hell you can’t even farm the currency for the activity you’re playing at a decent rate. Time Gating is at such a weird pace. Almost a year into this Expac and you can only upgrade honor gear 3 ilvls higher than last season.

Vendors used to just have last seasons gear available for purchase, they aren’t even hiding the hamster wheel now and losing players for it


I know we dont get along, but YES to this. 100%


See, a lot of people on these forums say this, but most of the people I speak to in-game say otherwise.

I agree it could use some tweaks, but overall I have found it to be a pretty good experience.

I honestly do not see very much boosting at all in a good majority of the games I play. Just because you see a gladiator mount from 2 expansions ago doesn’t mean it is a “booster”. It means that the person is at your MMR and is trying to gain rating.

A lot of these “1 shots” have to actually be set up properly to even work. Defensive cooldowns are incredibly strong right now, so if you do not set it up right, then you will not land a kill.

You and your partner(s) should both be rotating your defensively properly. You should definitely always have an answer to ret wings.

IDK man, you kinda just described every WoW Arena/RBG’s season ever in one post.

I think the greatest influencing factors in Shadowlands PVP started with having been gear discrepancy, followed by class choice, all leading up to the absurd amount of boosting. It’s like a giant avalanche of terrible game design and SL has really brought to light just how much the devs haven’t been understanding in their PVP designs over the last expansions.


This talent makes me want to vomit. Shouldn’t need to pop Evasion just to survive a talent proc. Utterly ridiculous.

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This is the only reason pvp dead.

Boosters been in game for 15 years and game is never balanced but is still high skillcap.

Can you give an example of a bad undertuned class right now?


If bad player like me was able to gear I don’t understand what stops players who claim to be average at least to gear?

I don’t think anyone’s saying it’s HARD to get gear.

They’re saying it’s unnecessarily grindy and time consuming. It’s a pain to gear alts and keep them caught up. That’s the problem. The barrier to entry is too high and there’s a massive gap between geared players and fresh 60s like never before.


PvP is dead and here is why

  • The Devs are just milking this :poop: and making the game bad on purpose to hit Token Quotas

That’s it!


Oh sorry I only play 2 hours a day and I am 235+ gear so you guys must be running whole country to be this busy. PVP is so competitive and not fair :(… they should make it fair and nice for everyone…

Oh wait it is! they made convoke for trolls! oh what about pet classes? few buttons ez game! Hm lets see seed in arena ? hm… not enough. They should just give gear to everyone no effort nothing so competitive players will just quit as there is nothing to do hm good idea.

#5 having to drop $25 on a wow token (idk how much you guys pay in USD) everytime you wanna make an S2 leggo


how man I have 4 alts over 2100 and gearing any of them was a nightmare unless I self boosted [quote=“Flithron-elune, post:4, topic:1072261”]
I honestly do not see very much boosting at all in a good majority of the games I play. Just because you see a gladiator mount from 2 expansions ago doesn’t mean it is a “booster”. It means that the person is at your MMR and is trying to gain rating.

lmao o
k dude lets ignore reality

yup the multi 2700 player has no idea what they are talking about says the level 10 smurf account alt, log onto main


I just want to play the game and experience different classes. I don’t mind leveling a character to 60 and grinding some conquest, but when I have to worry about renown, torghast, korthia, all this crap, it’s too much for something that is supposed to be a fun hobby.

They justify these heavily gated systems (and the removal of PvP templates) by saying that WoW is fundamentally an RPG. I say that you lose your grounds for this argument when 90% of the playerbase’s ‘roleplay’ immersion amounts to running circles around Oribos waiting for a queue to pop. Modern WoW is a themepark mmo and the open-world is a glorified waiting lobby. The game will continue to bleed until they admit this and design accordingly

Imagine being a new player interested in PvP. You hit 60, spend 16 hours doing ur covenant campaign, grind torghast and buy a wow token for your legendary, grind 100 hours of bgs for your crappy honor set. Open the lfg tool, ur an alliance dps with no experience so it takes you 3 hours to find a healer, finally queue your first ranked match, a boomkin with 20k more hp then you opens from stealth with convoke 40 yards away, you die 100-0 in 0.9 seconds unaware if the match has started, your healer leaves, how far do you think the average player makes it


Ok, opinions like the following:

… are becoming extremely annoying to me. They basically boil down to “The game is ok because it’s possible to play optimally.” Which is a worthless opinion. It will always be possible to play optimally, even when the game is terrible.

The biggest problem with ‘optimal play’ in the current state of the game is that if you don’t react appropriately, and immediately, then you get 1 shot. But if you do react perfectly to every CD, then the games can go on for a long time. New players get 1 shot and quit, high level players prevent 1 shots and get dampened; or make a mistake , get 1 shot, and become frustrated. Designing the gameplay of PvP entirely around the strength of cooldowns is an extremely poor way to manage the pacing of the game and has been a problem with WoW for multiple expansions – but somehow it keeps getting worse.

PvP is dying because it’s unappealing to new players, and established players mostly talk about how bad it is. When a new player dies in less than a second they don’t think:

“Well I’d better go download addons, look up spell ids to make some weakauras, and find out what defensives I need to rotate in to counter what just happened to me.”

They think:

“This game is stupid, I’m not going to play it”

People should be able to have fun with the PvP in the game even when they’re playing suboptimally. And part of that comes down to being matched up against players of the same skill and gear level.


leveling my alts is hell… i suffer through yolo RBGs i make to gear. farming cmapaign and renown is terrible. The honor gear is worthless basically until your renown 60. even then its super terrible compared to this seasons gear.

burst is high, defensives are meh. the only worthwhile feeling defensives are immunities.


If the power gap from gear wasn’t so massive, you’d see a lot more participation


So you’re saying people should be able to counter play the hunt consistently? Its literally 1 button, there is no set up there, or random 30k+ templars verdicts outside of wings? Like bro… c’mon you can literally go watch blizzcon winners doing boosts on stream get accidently 1 shot by 1800 kids and you’re telling me there isnt a burst issue.

I played Venruki (a much better player than myself) and 2 shot his mage in an RBG, and it required 0 brainpower, just got a lucky divine toll lobbing 5 judgements for 20k a pop zzzzzzzzz


There’s a few things wrong here –

How is PVP dead? And if it is dead, why are you attributing it to these 3 things? What are you basing this off of?

People aren’t complaining they want free gear. They’re complaining that the barrier to entry is enormous due to power gap. And A LOT of players are complaining that they can’t even enjoy unrated PVP because of rival/duelist geared players spamming random BGs and GY camping, emoting, etc. them.

You’re nuts if you think this is a good system for a healthy PVP environment.


Not reading 5 paragraphs.