PvP interview with WoW Producer by Venruki and Technically PvP

Here are the links to Venruki and Technically PvP’s YouTube videos of their interview with George Velev!
Venruki’s Viewpoint
Technically PvP’s viewpoint


Just watched this. Honestly? I’m just glad to see that there’s someone working on PVP at all.


wow nothing about MM hunter in Epic BG premades queue syncing… tries to find more hip words… sniper shot!


If you get an interview with someone working on WoW PVP at Blizzard, and you have a limited amount of time to ask questions, are you really going to waste that time grilling them about Epic BGs and MM Hunters of all things?


I would 100% prepare questions about Epic BG’s, Tol Barad, SS VS TM, Classic Ashran, PVP Warfronts. If I was going to interview about PVP battlegrounds which almost never happens outside of Arena stuff.

It’s always the same stuff that we know what they’ll say… class balance… yawn… “we promise… we work on…”

That stuff don’t matter to casual PVPers.


Reg bgs are infinitely more popular than trash epics. Ebgs just overload the forums with drama.


I didn’t mention Reg BG’s because we have Blitz now, which is 100x better than Reg and Rated.


Even if that is true, it’d still go

Blitz > reg >>>>>>>>> rated => ebg

Remove the epic bg drama and no one is talking about them at all.


Cheaters in epic??? Yes, it would be a questing. But these streamers don’t actually care about pvp they care about their views.


I’d still like them to add more Epic BG’s. There was always an interest in massive PVP battles. After all that is the War in Warcraft. When armies collide.


Ebg’s aren’t popular anymore because of cheaters…


Now cut that list in half because you’ve only got like 3 mins. worth of questioning, and then ask yourself, “Were these questions worth it?”

Questions about RSS and Rated BGBs in TWW matter a whole lot more to casual PVP players than questions about Epic BGs and MM Hunters.


They’d just say “Yea… it’s something we talk about a lot”

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That totally fair and reasonable. I’m not saying there aren’t people who like them, but their popularity is limited by many factors, including the game system itself.

I’d be all for a legit eternal bg concept like gw2 etc which I think would help give something people who like ebgs and wpvp want combined.

Sure, that’s one reason for sure, queue sync raids ruin them. Also time commitment, PvE mechanics, game system overload and lag, lack of individual value (unlike smaller bgs where you can make an impact).


I don’t know what that is, but if it’s like a persistent EBG I’d be all for it. I have a lot of fun staying in the same Classic Ashran, not having to requeue. It would be nice to have never-ending BG’s where the objectives reset, or has huge maps to conquer.

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No, no, no - I meant for you to ask yourself that question once you realize you wasted your 3 mins. of an exclusive interview asking about Tol Barad or whatever nonsense.

While I get that some people enjoy Epic BGs, there is a reason why they didn’t waste precious time asking questions about it: Epic BGs aren’t as popular as they used to be. I can guarantee that RSS is more popular, and that Rated BGBs will also be more popular. That’s why they used their ~3-4 mins. or so to ask about those modes; also, they asked about things like the reward structure, removal of the vault, sockets, etc. - things that are actually important to the overall success of WoW PVP going forward.

That’s pretty disrespectful.

Those streamer’s livelihoods are largely tied up with the success/failure of WoW PVP. So, yes - they are very interested in seeing WoW PVP succeed in TWW. You just don’t want to accept the fact that Epic BGs just don’t matter as much as you think they do.

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Some people have expressed disappointment, but we had a limited 30 minute timeslot, which limited the scope of questions that could be asked.

We tried to appeal to both the casual BG PvP player base by asking questions about Deephaul Ravine, and then more systems and balance questions catered to the arena crowd.

It is impossible for everyone to be satisfied but we tried our best.


It’s not “disrespectful” it’s simply true they are salesman. Arena pvp is dying that’s very obvious. So why not focus on pvp that will retain more players instead of trying to pretend to be an esport.


The claim that they “Don’t care about PVP” is disrespectful precisely because it’s untrue.

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Ok let me change the words around… they only care about pvp that brings them views… are you happy now? Anyways streamers are the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.