Basically we do any and all things PvP, arenas, rbgs, world pvp fun, you name it, we do it.
We aren't really looking for specific class combos or other elitist !@#$, if you can log in and play the game, and have a good attitude, then we want you! We can teach you to PvP if need be, and if you are wanting to hit higher ratings in rbgs or arenas, plenty of people are also doing the same.
my personal discord is naliao#9376 or you can pm Eliise-Velen in game, as well as /who pvp inc to find someone on to talk to about joining.
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up ya get
Hi there! I’ve been a member of my guild for a VERY long time, but it’s died down to maybe three active players, out of nearly 300. Would you be interested in a MM Hunter? I’m a casual player, usually run solo, but love pvp when time allows.
Sorry, i quit WoW for a few months there. And we are always recruiting! If we have extra we either rotate or simply run 2 teams. 120, and willingness to PvP is pretty much all the requirements, we can teach anything else needed
this is a bump
still recruiting
I missed some good opportunities to gank some of you last time. In fact, there’s a certain special someone I want to be hunting in your guild. I don’t want to say who it is…
I hope its me! I just want more fights!