PVP Illusions

Stop making pvp illusions look like a colored fart, make good illusions again, like the mop,wod,legion ones.

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The illusion from S2 was pretty good.

Shadowflame was good.

They had some post about how they couldn’t make ones as intense as some of the old ones due to graphical limitations imposed on them or something, though.

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Man 2005 is the worst. I bet ten to eighteen years in the future it will be an absolute cakewalk for modern engines or even just modern artists to figure out some way, some how, to make glowing effects look good without hogging memory and or gpu. Then all blizzard will have to do is the bare minimum that fractionally sized devs manage to do! The future is bright


This is almost as ridiculous as when Blizz CS ^PJ told people on twitter saying the ‘f-bomb’ is bannable offense.

If WoW is making your computer crash from an illusion, then spend $500 & upgrade it or turn down your settings.


It is.

The hill I die on is turning off language filter and reporting someone should negate your report for common profanity.

It should just automatically close your ticket and turn it back on. Extreme slurs/threats yea thats a no no.


Matthias Shaw drops the ‘d-bomb’ when you lose Seething Shore, better ban him.

They banned garrosh for his comment to sylvanas in silverpine forest and removed it later on.

Post this in gd and rile up the masses!

Lol, not tryin eat a ban but would be hilarious.

‘NPCs should be banned for profanity starting with Mattias Shaw’

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It’s that gosh darn Matthias Shaw who needs to be banned with his despicable language!

I think I have an alt account I’m willing to eat a ban on lol.

Let me see if it has any game time to post though.

So dastardly.


Reports should only happen if someone is actively trying to circumvent the filter, which oddly enough is worse imo, yet doesn’t get actioned on (or at least not nearly as often).