PvP Hotfix post got 6 likes do you see the Problem?

didn’t read, abom


I’m not sure what they expected. 99.9% of the PvP community despises Destro because of how brain dead, broken, and frustrating it is to play against. Yet they leave it untouched. I think Blizzard is just mentally checked out of this expansion in terms of PvP; they have been since it was released, and the participation shows. At this point they are hoping to somehow win everyone’s hearts back in Shadowlands, which seems like a difficult task given the quality of PvP in this expansion.


Why can’t I report the blue post for trolling?!
Zero mage or lock nerfs.


Tldr Craptivision needs to play their own game.


Your whining about destro is played out. They’re not dominating AWC, they can be beat in the 2100 bracket…there have been more OP specs

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The PvP community disagrees with you.

Currently 65 likes

Currently 107 likes

Currently 73 likes


Destro has been the most dominant spec this expansion. The most dominant comp is RMX.

At all brackets 30-50% of games are warlocks. Going from 1800 to 2600 mmr you’ll see a lot of the same crap. At 2500mmr I’ve seen 3-4 different double Destro comps that are playing well above their skill level. Just farming comps they hard counter.


bad post bad player


If Blizzard changes their PvP balance philosophy by doing balance changes more regularly in Shadowlands, that will be a big plus.


ya because using every opportunity available to you to moan and cry at dilly about rdruid comments 6 months ago is big living

475 voodoo totem on your garbage rival rdruid just proves game rewards bad players exclusively

the destro you are stuck at rival w/ not winning games doesn’t mean that destro isn’t oppressive
it means both of you are THAT bad


Damn this roast rofl


…I have to agree with the smorc.

Lol, no doubt, keep no lifeing

Learn to spell~

You need to lvl up

imagine thinking he has enough time to worry about his spelling when he’s spending 5 hours per 5 destro/rdruid 2’s games and stalking dilly 12 hours a day over his rdruid comments when they were better than mw is now, 6 months ago


Imagine him taking the time to tell a roleplayer to level up. lol

imagine anyone spending hours a week playing games at mmr you cant even lose rating at telling anyone else to improve in anything even character level


Thank you Blizzard, for never getting down the the very bottom of the issue. I appreciate your half-#*&%d attempts. jk

Posting in a spicy thread!

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