Finally a Blue stops in to give us extremely long overdue tuning and to say it wasn’t well received would be an understatement. With over 8k views from the PvP community you got 6 likes. The hotfixes were found to be insulting and display a complete detachment from what the PvP community has been asking for.
There are over 300 comments in that thread some with over 100 likes on what actually needs to be changed in PvP. If Blizzard wants to listen now is the time. They are clearly not listening and it shows by the recent Hotfix thread.
The spite trinket is your baby we get it…Someone designed it but the PvP community hates that trinket. Just remove it from the game. It’s okay to try new designed items but you have to admit when they are wrong. This item was the worst PvP trinket ever created.
Destro locks are the most broken spec of all time and been that way for years. The community is pleading with you to fix that broken OP spec that is ruining PvP for everyone and making the AWC unwatchable.
Then the nerf to the ONLY PvP stat. A stat that the PvP community feels forced to stack in order to try and fight against Locks which feels bad. We would love to stack other stats but we can’t!!! Now we have to stack a nerfed stat which feels even worse.
If we had a PvP stat this would feel better and maybe we could create just builds we enjoy.
The community doesn’t get it and your hotfixes are trolling at best with this statement
If you were testing anything you would know what needs to be changed. Nerf Fire mage, Nerf Destro, remove Spite.
The only thing you managed to notice was MW cacoon but you didn’t nerf vitality?
Oh well I hope you do some reading and some real testing to implement some changes the community has asked for only for years.
I’m not sure what they expected. 99.9% of the PvP community despises Destro because of how brain dead, broken, and frustrating it is to play against. Yet they leave it untouched. I think Blizzard is just mentally checked out of this expansion in terms of PvP; they have been since it was released, and the participation shows. At this point they are hoping to somehow win everyone’s hearts back in Shadowlands, which seems like a difficult task given the quality of PvP in this expansion.
Destro has been the most dominant spec this expansion. The most dominant comp is RMX.
At all brackets 30-50% of games are warlocks. Going from 1800 to 2600 mmr you’ll see a lot of the same crap. At 2500mmr I’ve seen 3-4 different double Destro comps that are playing well above their skill level. Just farming comps they hard counter.
imagine thinking he has enough time to worry about his spelling when he’s spending 5 hours per 5 destro/rdruid 2’s games and stalking dilly 12 hours a day over his rdruid comments when they were better than mw is now, 6 months ago