Pvp honor farm - question

sup boys
are they implementing a new honor set next week with a higher ilvl than the current conquest set like they did last season or is it safe to spend my honor now

This post reminded me to save honor points to get a decent weapon for my recently leveled hunter right from the start of the new phase instead of relying on RNGesus to give me a heroic+++++++++++infernelementitanrune dungeon.

Thank you uncle Talaryann

I just burned some points on the last bits and make up the 4K again.

Like rings. I don’t rush to the jewelry and some alts had meh rings I missed since in anniv a lot. recap to 4k won’t be so bad. And cheap at 1250 each.

Another side trick if bored this week is load up WG/TB quest completes and save them. thats some points day 1 too. clear the 4k cap, turn in. Or run them out fresh next week, whatever floats that submarine really.

From WoWpedia it’s looking like s11 Ruthless is 390 item level, non elite weapon stays 378

So, it’s looking like yeah we’ll have to farm an entirely new honor set