PvP happens on PvP servers

Make sure you choose the right server this time. PvP doesn’t mean honorable PvP, or fair PvP. It means getting ganked while questing. Getting corpse camped. Getting killed by guilds camping instances and quest areas.

War mode is not going to happen. Choose the right server.

Looking forward to camping and getting camped. See you in Ratchet scrubs.




Your efforts are appreciated, op, but they will fall on deaf ears.

SOme of those people are streamer fans. My streamer went here, I go here too.

streamer went there because of some rule pvp servers are the best to be on to some. but has their many fans for backup.

and there is the streamer follower…going man I keep getting ganked. they don’t have 15+ friends for backup lol.

Non issue for me. I plan on pve anyway. and will have me avoid all that streamer crap too. That is an instant benefit right there.


remove DHKs
Lets go!


Make sure to roll alliance to have the bis dmf griefing experience.

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I don’t think you realize what you’re asking for here. If they do that, I will never leave Westfall and alliance will have to go to Loch Modan to quest.


PVP does happen.

Some PVPers are sociopaths though.
There’s something seriously wrong with people that do things like camp in Redridge/Hillsbrad fields 24/7 on their level 60s.


It’s not griefing if they’re on your territory.

I do realize, and that sounds fun. They better rally together and fight back

Hell yeah and cannot wait!

100% Truth. I enjoy your PSA.

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NOOOO!!! I got ganked on a PVP SERVER!!! MAKE WAR MODE - Some random retail player thinking they’re cool for rolling on a PvP server in classic.


Those people are idiots and should just play retail.

Jokes on you when you get dive bombed by sweatlords in Helfire Peninsula come tbc.

Yeah, will stick to my pve and level in peace :slight_smile:


Enjoy your peace and quiet, I will be getting jumped by 3 trash rogues while I pop bubble and wait to die. Not to the rogues, but the mage that came along after I somehow managed to chase off the 3 trash rogues.


3 more days… make the right choice.

I rolled on a PvP server at launch in 2004, enjoyed it immensely. I had time back then to waste.

Rolled on a PvP server in Classic, didn’t enjoy it and took free transfer to a normal realm. more then likely because at this point in my life I didn’t find it fun to have my PvE interrupted by PvP. I still went went to BGs and ground out an even higher rank then I did in original WoW as I recall.

In SoD I rolled on a Normal server kind of against my will since my friends didn’t want to roll on a PvP server but I did… however I am having a blast, no interruptions… only wishing I could blast the enemy every once in a while when they got in the way of my farming, especially during the bug grind. Still getting more then enough PvP in BGs.

So what am I going to roll in the Anniversary edition? most likely a normal realm. I’ll PvP when I want to, do PvE when I want to, get stuff done faster, etc…

Some people view rolling on a Normal server means you are bad at PvP, It doesn’t. Being on a PvP server also doesn’t mean you are automatically good at PvP either. What realm you roll on has no bearing on the quality of player you are.

It all comes down to whether you want whatever you have planned to be interrupted to do PvP instead or if you would rather only PvP on your own terms (mainly in BGs)

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PvE server for me. When I want to pvp, I’ll just type /pvp and wait for some rogue to decide to gank me.

He will lose, but he will try.

PvE servers are superior for wPvP. Because its consentual. Opt in for some 1v1s., 2v2’s etc. Opt out for some 1v5’s and 2v10’s.

Edit: Also large scale wPvP is theoretically possible with a bit of setup. Imagine a scenario where you and maybe 10 other guildies head out to Orgrimmar front gates. You send in 1-2 people by themselves with the intention of being bait. You wait until some 60s start flagging and chasing them down (send in mage/druid combo for maximum survival).

Once a bunch of 60s are flagged and chasing them around like a game of cat and mouse, send in the rest of your team for a large-scale PvP battle.

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There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging when sociopaths act out. It’s still sociopathic. PvP servers just mean you have the ability to PvP. It’s kind of like saying that since you have free speech, it’s perfectly acceptable to curse out toddlers or something. Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should.

I personally like waiting for these sociopaths tho. I wave to everyone I walk by from the other faction. I don’t engage. And when I’m attacked, I kill the attacker. It’s great gameplay.

Sociopaths gonna sociopath tho. And one should expect them when rolling on the server. Nothing wrong with pointing out their sociopathy tho. Their lives are lacking IRL, so ruining other people’s days is therapeutic to them. That’s why they camp.

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After re-checking the roadmap, it looks like we’re about to have a solid month of no DHKs because the honor system doesnt go in until phase 2.

People are about to find out why they were implemented in the first place.

Roll on PvP server at your own risk. It’s gonna be spicy. Get ready for quest hubs to be camped.

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