PVP Guardian Druid

Why do a lot of people take the Moonkin route on the talent tree? Do you even use it as Guardian? Or is it for the spell distance further down? A noob Guardian here, just starting out.


We Flap all the time - Plz Flap

Plus sleep is good - we sleep in M+

And and, Arcane damage - but

Honestly, with the way the Druid talent tree is set up…there is nothing better

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Also also also Kruul - gotta get that mage tower Bear form

Kinda just a reaction now - DF talents have made this easier tho

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Astral Influence
Rising Light, Falling Night


Gotta have those extend-o legs, man…

It brings back the inverse of the hunter sweet spot. Puts me out of melee range and keeps them in melee range :wink:

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Supa did a Guardian PVP post back in Dec that you may find helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOHr46vgeMQ

There’s also a set of builds on wowhead: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/druid/guardian/pvp-talent-builds

Maul & Moonfire also have some really respectable damage. For Moonfire in particular the Moonkin side of the tree means added range and Falling Night means more damage.

Also, yes Flap in Moonkin form while carrying a flag is possible iirc. Esp if you’re Horde on Twin Peaks.

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