PVP Grouping

Blizzard yall need to add a function that restricts lvl 80s to only lvl 80 bgs, cause I’m tried of being a lvl 71 trying to do pvp then I end up facing a premade group of lvl 80s boosting a lvl 70. Get rid of this cause its impossible for Horde on the Realm Shandris at non lvl 80 to do bgs

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You can edit your post to move it to the battleground forum, this would get more attention from development. Tech and Mac are player discussions about crashes and lag, not game changes.

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done, so that should be the right place ig, btw what does MVP mean?

dollars to donuts your alt is woefully under geared for its level.

The MVP program allows Blizzard to choose posters who are particularly helpful and highlight their posts.

MVPs are less likely to troll you and more likely to give helpful advice.

It stands for Most Valuable Poster.

my mvp title was lost in the mail

I don’t think I’d ever be eligible, I can be a little too abrupt and blunt sometimes.

Been meaning to ask, Ludo, from Labyrinth?

i nailed the tmog


Not really lvl 78 with upwards of near 500 Ilvl, and even at lvl 79 with over 500 ilvl still getting curb stomped by lvl 80s in low level queues

l2p issue obviously

still no blue response, so probably not gonna have anything about this issue be noticed :frowning:

because its not an issue. the syncd player has an ilvl similar to what a level 78 would have in dungeon blues. a level 72 is already at a 6 level disadvantage. higher level players at the top of the bracket have more stamina so they can take more abuse. in blizzards great vision they gave players at the bottom of the bracket a small stamina buff but thats it. it goes away as you level up and its entirety up to you to gear your alt if you want to pvp. there are crafted options at level 71. the crafted pvp trinkets can be equipped at level 70.
at best you’re losing to teamwork and its 100% allowed by blizzard.

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