Pvp Gearing, something's missing

just keep queing or do epics for few hrs and youll have a full set . Dont pay attention to what these ppl cry about just focus on playing the game .


Just play, brother. All you gotta do! Might suck at first but honor gearing is quite fast. Plus conquest cap is finally lifted.

Ive actually never seen that drop. Wowhead lists it as a 3% drop

They actually have an ilvl scaling system in place this expac. Its just really badly designed.

Im going to try to find the specifics, but it works something like this gear above 308 but below 370 is scaled to 370. Those specific numbers are probably wrong but the issue is that the gear it affects is really limited. They just need to allow all low ilvl gear to scale.

We really need a way to farm sparks

Not trophies

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Found it. Kinda a usless system

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Yes, there is gear upscaling. It’s just scaled to a ridiculously low level as to be nearly meaningless.

I think all conquest gains need to be doubled. Full stop. The 30% increase to conquest that only kicks in 2/3rds into the season is actually insulting. I would actually rather not have it than have it at that point. Yipee, an extra 30 conquest on each arena win, or 21 on a normal BG daily win. Wowee this will surely add up over time in an appreciable way (it won’t).

After having leveled 2 characters recently and having geared them, it is abundantly clear that honor gear is not sufficient to PVP with. It will stop you from dying instantly, but you will still struggle against anyone who has conq gear and 2+ pieces of tier.

Skill issue.
Blue gear is absolutely sufficient to PvP with.

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Oh okay, gear makes no difference. Two equally skilled players playing the same class, one with blues and one with full conq and tier, and the one in blues stands an equal chance.

Unsurprisingly delusional take from Hercx, but every post you make is abhorrent, so nothing new really.

Me: “blue gear is sufficient to pvp with”
You: “oH OkAy geAR MaKEs nO difFErEncE!”

Ironic that you talk about delusional takes.

If gear makes a difference, then no, blues are not sufficient to PVP with this late in the season.

You want to immediately act smug and go “muh skill issue” as if WoW has ever been, or ever will be a purely skill based game. You are exhausting.



adjective: **sufficient**; determiner: **sufficient**

1. enough; adequate.

Yes, blue gear is enough/adequate to queue into random BGs and have an impact and/or carry a game.
If you are struggling with this then it is, as I said, a skill issue.

A few classes might be fine in honor gear, mainly ranged, provided they position themselves such that they aren’t getting focused. And, perhaps rogues who do some sneaky objective play.

I think the true test is to see how things go for you as a frontline melee wearing nothing but honor gear.

What? I assumed you got it from your first win on each toon. That’s how i’ve gotten all of mine. It was from the Victory Boxes.

I get one Splintered Spark of Shadowflame per week from victory boxes. They really need it to open up and allow more to drop. It should have changed with conquest being uncapped.

Every class can do fine in honor gear.
People making these “blue gear is bad” arguments are arguing in a vacuum. They imply that the enemy team is always full conq BIS tier set and so on. That is not the case. Both teams are a mix of gear. Your enemy is wearing blue gear too. Thus, honor works perfectly well given that fact.

But yes, of course, some specs do have a larger impact irrelevant of gear.


I think this is valid for most PUG vs PUG matches. Things tend to even out, generally. But that isn’t usually the case when there is a geared premade on one side. In a ten man map, the geared preform will typically have one or two undergeared people on their side while the PUG team can have four or five if they aren’t matched against another premade.

I’ve been in a few matches already this week where everyone on one side was over 550K HP and the other side had five people in the 300-500Ks.

Also, this is assuming the undergeared player sticks to the teamfight. If they are stuck guarding a base they are most likely going to get dunked on by a conquest geared player. And, that happens quite often because in my experience undergeared players often get left behind to defend because the conquest geared players feel that they are far too important to be guarding a base.

imo they should just be boas bcuz my mains have so many considering we can only equip 2 precog or crafted pieces at once ? or we allowed to craft full 450 set completely ? i was under the impression we could only equip 2 crafted pieces ? Then it would help alts out aswell kind a liek how they did with renown level catch up in SL liek a token or something we can buy for 1000g or something .

ive only gotten mine from winning bgs sometimes at the end of ashran for example itll show up in the thingy l, or ill get it from the box .

You can only equip 2 crafted pieces at one time

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