PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

It’s probably hard because blues don’t actually play this game, so how could they balance it? It’s all for the money no matter how bad the decision to the player base.


Bump - Please watch and address this Blizzard


Awesome job yall! Lets keep that video bumping! WE WILL BE HEARD AND WE WILL HAVE THIS FIXED BLIZZARD! #PvP #PvPArmy


For whatever it’s worth, I’m glad that Ven thinks the community needs to be vocal about this. The solution really is simple, I’m not sure why Blizzard is so resistant and bullheaded on stuff like this. All that attitude does is make me want to rag on Ion for being a delusional mythic dragonslayer (ie. obviously 2400 rated in 3v3) even more.


I think the context of this original post by Ven is so important. He posted this in LEGION when we had templates that, while imperfect, made seasons like bfa 8.3 impossible. I know this is an unpopular opinion maybe, but this post became almost a self fulfilling prophecy. It marked the end of templates, and into the absolute clown show we now reside. I mocked this post when it first came out because of this, I knew blizzard is useless and would mess it up and they did. Now this post looks prophetic when in fact it was part of a greater push to end the ONE moment of unCORRUPTED pvp we got to enjoy without busted pve garbage. Lol oh well rant over


Removing templates =/ asking for corruption

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It’s pretty obvious that was not what I was saying. Even someone with tiny brain can understand that removing templates leads to pvp living and dying by the whims of whatever half baked system blizzard implements.

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You made a logical leap. You said because we asked for customization, we were bound to get corruption.

This isn’t the case. At the very least, it shouldn’t be. We don’t need templates. We just don’t need corruption

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Again, has nothing to actually do with corruption. It has everything to do with templates being a specific direction for pvp fully removed from ANY SYSTEM blizzard implements. It is not a LoGiCAL LeAP to say that templates removed those systems from pvp because they literally did. Like…that’s what templates did

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Yes, and most pvp’ers don’t want that. Customization is a good thing.
Corruption isn’t. You referenced the “present clown show”, which is corruption.

It’s very possible to allow customization without breaking the game

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Right, I agree. Although, i would argue that customization can happen using templates, just not in the way they were implemented, which is why I said it was imperfect.

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PVP gearing still sucks years later.


It has been 3 years and broken promise after broken promise. The devs should Insert Sexual inuendo here _________________ for what they are doing to PVP players.


2 thousand posts and 50 thousand views later and you guys managed to get slapped in the face.

lmfao classic blizz


My one question. How the hell did this post/thread survive the transition over to the new forums about a month before patch 8.1 (in December 2018). As far as I have seen all posts from the last generation of forum are locked and gone.


I think when people wanted the templates removed they were thinking “great we can go back to WoD”

Were we ever wrong about that lol.


Either because of the Blue posts, or because Blizzard wanted to stick it to us

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Bump again for Blizz to watch Venruki’s video… Plz


Another excellent video from Stoopz. Fix it Blizz. Where is the Blue Comment? Keep this bumped!


Was literally about to post the same thing.