bump friends.
Also nerf gpyro
Thanks ‘git gud’’
bump friends.
Also nerf gpyro
Thanks ‘git gud’’
I miss PVP gear.
To be honest they should just do a hybrid system if they want to keep the RNG loot system in for casuals/people newer to pvp.
can we bring back resilience gear so arenas aren’t dominated by retards in mythic raid gear
I wish haha, but the problem with that is barrier to entry doubt resil will ever make a comeback.
Wow imagine having to do PvP to be effective in PvP.
Hey Actiblizz, just wanna let you all know.
PVP gearing in BFA is too confusing. Help go back to vendors plz!!!
Bump ten chars
sub runs out in 2 days, still dont have 5 ring/trait azurite gear in all slots (but i have 3 shoulders with 5 traits at 385-400 ilvl) NEVERMIND not having 1 of the new OP trinkets game is unplayable with this RNG loot system, AZURITE traits feel like talents/ability’s for your class that are unlocked by PAYING for a wow token and buying carries in raids/m+ for the azurite you want/“NEED” to be able to use all the “abilities” available to your class/spec where is the WORLD of warcraft i know and love?
Guess we’re all still waiting for these supposed changes to be implemented.
noobs at ur own game!!!
System is great guys. My upgrades have had the wrong stats twice now. Much easier system.
HEY ACTIBLIZZ putangina nyo
Love the RNG chance of getting gear! So exciting isn’t it!!
I doubt anyone at Activision reads this.
4 of the same gloves in two weeks straight is >> then confusing vendors with gear you can choose
bump 10char
Vendors please. Keep this post rolling.
For anyone cancelling your sub, make sure you fill out the survey on your account page telling them that you want PVP vendors. They may ignore the forums but they’re more likely to read those. Lord knows they ignore us everywhere else.
lmao they removed that recently