PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

you are 100% right about everything.

yes this seasons pvp gear has lower ilvl than mythic antorus, considering that every other season 2400 elite pvp gear was same or higher than its mythic raid counterpart.

however, please dont forget that we are on season6 and theres still a season7 to come. all the complaints are valid except that you cant have s6=s7 gear therefore s6<s7=mythic antorus.

everything else is one hundred percent correct.
12/10/2017 11:02 AMPosted by Venruki
Do you know how many times I've heard my PvP buddies say "Lets go get our weekly +15 done" compared to my PvE friends saying "Lets go get 2400 rating so we can get our weekly cap done!".

couldent be more right
I whole heartedly agree. Since TBC, I've primarily done PvP and only really dipped my toes into PvE out of boredom. For me, PvP was a constant ladder to climb. There was always a goal to shoot for. Start off getting honor gear. Then work on conquest gear. Now work for rating. Now it seems like it's just go get rating. Without that lower journey, there's no real incentive to get into PvP. Especially since all the gear is harder to get, and isn't even that good.
12/10/2017 01:08 PMPosted by Belle
I miss the conquest/honor grind. I miss the gear vendors. I miss the ability to gain the currency I need to get the gear for PvP that I wanted. I miss the feeling of each week reset at the start of each season. That feeling when you rushed home from work or whatever you needed to do IRL so that you could gather your friends and grind to cap out.

It felt good being able to save up your points over the weeks for a definite reward. Maybe you didn't have all of the gear unlocked but man saving 3 weeks for the pants you knew would be an awesome upgrade felt good.
Pvp gear should be higher item level, and versatility shouldn't be on ever piece!
Hey do the brawls. They are fast to que and each win *sometimes a loss* is a piece of gear.

Then after you are full bg geared hit argus up.
12/10/2017 11:16 AMPosted by Hansol
WotLK gearing system would be cool to have again. Unlocking the best piece one by one when you reach a certain rating.

Gives little incentive for the majority of the PvP playerbaser (mid tier and lower), especially since it was specific to the item slot (e.g. boots lower than chest). What if you don't need a boot upgrade? Some players may never be able to unlock a weapon or chest piece.
I loved grinding gear back in the day. Gave a sense of accomplishment when i got a full set of gear. While the honor prestige is nice, it has nothing to really keep players interested. #getridoftemplates
Bringing back rating requirements and being able to choose your own gear(esp. secondary stat bracers, belts, etc) would be beautiful.
BG's should drop the honor equivalent gear only. RBGs and arena should drop iL gear equivalent to heroic with elite gear being mythic level.

I just solved pvp gearing.
it gives me a great sense of pride and accomplishment to consistently get mediocre off-pieces from the weekly cap
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2200 cap i did this week and got a 945 ilvl piece of gear, while 2200 at the moment in 2s anyway is front page of leader-boards. Meanwhile i could of pugged a 15+ group and got a 940 war-forged to 945, i'm not saying i'm good in anyway i'm just saying a 2200 reward to be the same of a random key pug doesn't seem fair or reasonable. Last season 2400 caps i was doing seemed fair but this season just seems lacking in every-way. i PVP because i love it but to get the main audience to even think pvp is worthwhile you need a rewarding system but this season has really dropped the ball where a 2.4+ pvper will have less gear than someone pugging heroic Argus. I guess we are not the main audience and we suffer because of it. I still don't have the boot's of my elite set and i've played over 1000 games last season.Feelsbadman
i thought pvp gear was just for transmog?
I agree with ven first of all. In addition i miss vendor buying pvp gear, would be interested in trying the wotlk rating for gear system, and wish there were still gem and enchanting to allow me to alter playstyle vs certain comps in arena. For example, in WOD i had one staff with spirit enchant and one with warsong for haste on top of having different spirit trinkets as opposed to crit or vers trinkets. This allowed me to never go oom vs an !@# by maximizing my mana tea with high spirit but lowered my healing output like CRAZY. Huuuuge difference in playstyle vs certain comps allowed for much more enjoyable theory crafting. This does not mean i want professions back in the game for the bonus enchant or gems btw nobody got time for dat.
I have no interest in doing PvE content and even I got talked into doing a dumb Mythic +10 last week because "hey you might get a gear upgrade"

This expansion has been nothing but garbage for PvP.

They make us grind obscene amounts of AP to be competitive, or else wait over a year for AK scaling to kick in.

They make us grind to unlock PvP talents, and even with full talents unlocked we still have less abilities than ever before.

Thank you Venruki for finally saying something. We were all wondering if you were keeping your mouth shut about how awful Legion PvP has been because Blizzard pays you to cast tourneys or something.

Every single thing about this expansion feels absolutely awful for PvP, from my PoV at least.

I count exactly zero redeeming features. My class got ruined and is boring to play, and the game has far too much emphasis on grinding content that I wouldn't want to touch with a 10 foot pole.
You guys forgot one thing. Legendary barely drop from PvP.
PvP us utter garbage this expansion, for many of the reasons you mentioned. They clearly don't care what we have to say about it though, as evidenced by the alpha, beta, and live forums complaining about the exact same things (reward structure, rng trash design, simplistic and boring class design, honor "talents", etc.). As far as I'm concerned Legion was a big step back from WoD in PvP of all aspects, and I don't say that lightly.

12/10/2017 04:08 PMPosted by Overpruned
Thank you Venruki for finally saying something.

Not to knock on his efforts or anything, but everyone was warned about this when they first revealed their ideas for changes, not to mention most of Alpha/Beta.

The vast majority of people here on the Arena forums and on the alpha PvP forums dismissed it (or outright denied it) because they didn't understand how a large percentage of less-serious PvPers approached the game mode.
12/10/2017 02:56 PMPosted by Venruki
12/10/2017 01:08 PMPosted by Belle
I miss the conquest/honor grind. I miss the gear vendors. I miss the ability to gain the currency I need to get the gear for PvP that I wanted. I miss the feeling of each week reset at the start of each season. That feeling when you rushed home from work or whatever you needed to do IRL so that you could gather your friends and grind to cap out.

It felt good being able to save up your points over the weeks for a definite reward. Maybe you didn't have all of the gear unlocked but man saving 3 weeks for the pants you knew would be an awesome upgrade felt good.

This very thing. Having to decide what to use your points for according to what would help you the most first. Knowing that your shoulders carried more stat weight than your feet. Grinding, saving and something to look towards as the weeks of a new season go by. Saving so long for your weapon. Finally getting your weapon and feeling like a god because you did the work and it paid off, you earned the gear. This type of work for attainable rewards seperate those that want to work hard for it vs those who just want to hop in a rando bg and have fun. While the latter is more than fine, what about those that want to put in that work. RNG has the sole gearing source has no business in my daily PvP life unless it is a huge bonus not offered by a vendor.

All of those feelings are part of an emotional experience and attachement we PvPer's have from season to season that outside of rating, give us our fuel to go in and get our teeth kicked in doing arenas. Thank you for speaking up for those of us that struggled finding the words to make a lucid, un-angry & educated post. All of my previous attempted post started with f words and caps. :)