PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

I would be ashamed to tell people I work on this game

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I couldn’t agree or disagree more. Idk I didn’t read just bumping.

i wanna heal your push but im getting time gated hard af pls help

Friendly reminder that this has yet to be fixed. Feedback is there, but falls on deaf ears.



Lol, what? PvP gearing currently is nothing like it was when this post was written.

There are still problems with gearing (namely rng in tier), but blizzard has made massive improvements that predominantly address all the grievances in this thread.

No idea why people feel the need to necro something that has been rendered irrelevant.

They’ve made changes. But the system is still a joke compared to what the community has been asking for.

A level playing field

In golf the better golfer handicaps himself to make it a fair match against a lesser golfer.

In wow the worse player gets the handicap. Making the match even less competitive.


Sheesh, I just do not know what is going on either? I figured we would have PvP vendors with equal ilvl conquest gear that can be obtained without playing rated in this last patch? As a show of good faith walking in to the next expansion
I mean
It’s been 3 expansions now since we’ve been able to casually and competitively play against other players on equal footing with NO advantages - only skill, knowledge, and experience.

Legion, even though it had templates, still had a power increase tied to ilvl. BFA
PvE. SL’s the next advantage they’ll be asking for is to be able to ride on their mounts while in combat
which they will boost for anyways
poo’ing all over the current red herring “rewarding” gearing structure that is a failure to the integrity of competition anyway.


 wow that’s incredibly low.

One tenth of all active players engaging in ranked PvP is honestly higher than I would expect.

To quote stoopz, “your garden only grows where you water it”

Meaning, put crap in, get crap out.

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if there were Rated SoloQ this number would go up to something like 70% ~ 90%

“The game needs RATED SOLOQ”

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Its still bad and not fun. 5 fooking years later

Can you honestly drag that Hazzikostas and Holinka out from the premises or not? Add hooks and chains and drag them out. Ffs

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You should seek help

Me? No. Fix the game.

No, the other person saying to have employees dragged out of a building. I’m impressed you can still post after your recent showings

I can post forever because if I get permabanned I just buy new account. Everyday if I have to. Again. And again. And again. And again. Until they fix this game, which they destroyed when WoD prepatch went live. In Satan’s name. Amen!

Well, you believe you’re making a difference. That’s what’s important.

i dream of a day that this post won’t need to continue to be bumped because we live in a world where pvp gearing isnt utter garbage


I try to remain optimistic as I approach this game, but I just queued into a warlock with over 100k health that was an untouchable immortal that could just ignore offensive cooldowns. I’ve got all but 2 slots covered in conquest gear and I top out at 74.5k unbuffed, 78kish with a priest buff. They could melt everyone with such ease and impunity, that they just toyed with everyone. No back and forth, no tactics, no chance. Like, what even is this. I expect this kind of garbage in wpvp, but instanced!?


They broke PvP gearing in Legion.

It was almost perfect in BFA, so they changed everything. Can’t have something that works.