PVP gear prices in pre patch

Hey any chance you could check if there is any gear available for a Death Knight to purchase with honor?

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Can you do that on the PTR ? Make a death night ?

Any idea how much the hunter only 1h axes are?

considering the 1h sword is 19k safe to assume the axe is too

hm, think so? the hunter only axes are cheaper than the typical 1h weapons during the season.

Then I’m probably wrong sorry lol

There are no DK arena sets, just weapons on the arena vendors.

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Yes you can make a DK on PTR.

Gotcha Wow that’s kind of going to suck for death nights then I mean you can get some weapons but You’re not going to have a lot of resilience.

Yeah but then again there are dk Actually not I think about this maybe this’ll be a little bit more of a balancer lol

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lol this comment aged like milk

find out in 2-12 hours

How? At the time of this comment, it was about the current state of them on the Beta and PTR. In this thread I even stated I assumed they’d be sold for honor and we just hadn’t had an update on it.

Bro he was dead-on with his “18k honor” reply. Save that “WhY wOuLD yOu SpREaD miSiNfoRMatIOn” for Twitter next time.

Good/bad news! The S4 set for DKs that never existed in Wrath is going to be available, for ~43k honor.

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You obviously didnt read the blue posts.

Yes… he mixed up Merciless prices for Brutal, if you look at the date on this it’s before the Honor Brutal rework…

You realize this is a Necro thread you rezzed, right?

Theres an entire blue post about how the arena season is over and all arena points are converted to honor. You’re spreading misinformation, silly cow.

You’re responding to a 19 day old post, Brighthorn rezzed a Necro post

Ah okay. I was like wtf.

I mean I would say it’s good news that is true it technically didn’t exist in wrath in fact I think It was cata Prepatch when it was implemented but still I’d say it’s a good thing.