Pvp gear is designed horribly

Rogue wants mastery in all specs though outlaw is heavy crit right now

I thought devo was mastery

Pretty sure both DK specs want mastery

Fury wants mastery

Ret wants mastery

I think DH and Feral both want mastery

Casters want haste for the most part that’s correct but melee either wants mastery or varies from spec to spec

How about no. Gearing is part of the game and gear is equalized

WW only wants mastery because you get a bunch of haste for free with Xuen and tiger palm. To the point where you might actually consider crit because it’s not that mastery is good for them, it’s just that they get all the haste they need from abilities. That’s true though, I forgot about that.

Ret, I dunno, I haven’t played it yet this season. Pretty sure it was mastery last season, so that’s probably still the same.

Fury is in a weird place because it doesn’t really seem that good. At least not nearly as good as arms. I dunno that I’ve seen a single fury warrior this patch yet.

DH wants mastery, yeah that’s true.

Enh, I dunno, I haven’t played that since midway through last season, so I can’t remember what I did with it.

Frost DKs literally do not matter.

Not anymore, it’s haste now. Because they changed the mastery and changed its coefficient, you do more damage with haste which is honestly probably for the best.

would have been great if we could craft 1 piece of gear per week
but even the half spark for vault tokens is locked atm
very sad