PvP gear in Shadowlands @Holinka

Not true in WOD pvp gear was pretty good in pve and not even at an entrance level it was sometimes better than PVE items.


Resil or 2-4 piece set bonuses too

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TBC probably had the best PvP gearing system. Some of the weapons were temporarily really good in PvE and it enraged those players being “forced” to push 1800 which at the time was a relatively challenging achievement. Still, it had:
(1) Stats that generally rendered PvP gear superior in PvP (not always - see 4/4 rogues) due to resil & higher stam
(2) Easy to comprehend & navigate system for earning points & spending them on preferred rewards
(3) Few pieces tied to rating (shoulders, wep) in S4 to incentivize doing well

Really think that we should bring back vendors, probably throw on either set bonuses, trinket bonuses or some other system to (i.e. resil, PvP power) to make the gear sets great for PvP but not a big leg up in PvE, and then add back 2200 weps or something similar that gives a concrete, power-based reward that’s not monumentally game-changing but is just enough to help motivate people vs. titles that have existed for over 30 seasons now.

Also adding something like challenge mode gear from MoP (SUPER cool looking, unique, somewhat rare at first) and tying it to certain PvP achieves or higher ratings could be really cool imo. Would be a major motivator if it was obtainable enough (i.e. not necessarily tied to a R1 rating).


No it wasn’t? Conquest gear was always below mythic gear


It’s like that right now and pvp gear really sucks in comparison to pve.

m+ let’s people get to mythic item level.

My, how you’ve changed!

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The whole pve garbo is here to stay, sadly. If we could get that double pvp trinket -15% dmg taken bonus back though, that’d be really nice.

So beautiful.

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i dont want to see resil come back but 2-4 pce would solve a lot of pve gearing issues i agree

but realistically they aren’t going back to tier set bonuses

no its not at all

the weekly cap loot was infinitely behind the ilvl of heroic ny’alotha until just recently

by then it was way too late

when heroic raid opens pvp gear needs to award that ilvl

no exceptions

Honestly this picture is all over the place and complicates everything. Since blizzard are using a system like banefic.

All we need is honor starting at a base ilvl of heroic dungeons eg. 400 ilvl that you can upgrade through using honor up to 445 then conquest gear where you can upgrade it up to heroic level or where mythic + chests cap out (465 atm). Then at duelist plus you can get t2 weapons (only weapons)

Then you add crafted pvp gear at 400 ilvl as well that can also be upgraded with honor like the honor gear you buy. This allows professions to play a roll in the pvp gearing system, which is always nice.

With the benfic system it should be fairly easy to tune the amount of honor needed and/or conquest to make it so you can still run mythic + for a little bit of head start but eventually you will hit the same spot as them just from passively playing arena.

Which is also great for alts in late season where you can JUST pvp and eventually you will get to the point where your main.

This picture is actually incredible simple where did it lose you?

1.) Hit max level
2.) Do bgs
3.) Do arenas
4.) Grind rating


Thats not what it says at all

#1 is about low level rewards
#2 is max level
#3 is about rating
#4 is about gear from rated pvp??

Lucky drops meant you absolutely merked someone. Hell, even double No’kaleds in the hands of a geared Enhancement Shaman that knew Mastery was valuable turned people into smoking craters COMPLETELY AT RANDOM.

I had a pair of Heroic No’kaleds and stacked mastery. That was almost as fun as my Fire Mage.


I think you are reading it wrong? Each number is a row (side to side).

  1. Get to max level. I don’t see anything related to rewards in that row.
  2. Do non-rated PvP for base armor. So do bg’s for honor gear.
  3. Do rated PvP for better armor. No rating requirement for it. Just compete, get wins, get currency, buy the better armor.
  4. Get cosmetic rewards for rating milestones.

this is the type of player who gets lost on the way to pvp vendors holy smokes lmao


It was only better than normal raid tier, but even then set bonuses from normal would still be better at the very least.

lol… I finally see how it happened. RIP pvp.

Don’t dead open inside?

Just saw a video pertaining to how PvP gear works in shadowlands. No PvP stats. Seems like its gonna be BFA 2.0.

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