PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

That’s really ironic, and I wish you could see it.


Thanks a lot, Freddy. Now they know.

Who is they?

leans in close
whispers in your ear

You know… them.

We are the nights of Ni!! What is the password!


I don’t know it!

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Indeed, nice to see one of the originals educated opinion on this issue.
We were there to really understand the results of separation.

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Could say the same for people who fotm reroll twink to just get hks off new levers all day. Esp since you guys are so anti being seprate and having no levelers to farm .


Preface: As an aspiring twink, I don’t mind the current state of PvP. I like my gear making a huge difference on my success. If I put more time into developing a character, I should be significantly rewarded for it. But…

I seriously wonder how non-twinks find PvP remotely fun. When I first started in PvP, I wasn’t remotely twinked, and I got 1-2 shot a lot. I probably spent 90% of my PvP gameplay either in the graveyard or getting back to the group after being rezzed. While I have a fairly competitve nature, and I find winning much more fun than losing, I could at least remotely understand people enjoying losing at a game, if they were actually playing it. You fight, you try your best, but were just beaten anyway. However, with the current state of PvP, they’re literally not playing the game most of the time. Yet, they keep on queueing over and over again. How is that remotely fun for people? I don’t get it.


It isn’t. That’s why these threads keep popping up.

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Fotm rerollers would still plague the brackets with or without an xpoff que, I cant tell you how frustrating it was playing my 60 rogue in legion. Our template was so lackluster and I would have to work so hard to win fights when random surv hunter could just axe toss some dude to the shadowrealm with minimal effort.

I still believe that time/effort should be rewarding at all levels not just max.

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19s is one of the most unbalanced brackets in BFA for sure.
Unless players are premade vs premade or wargames, matches are a joke.
Hence the exodus to better more balanced brackets.

Then, why do they keep queueing up for it? Are they masochists? Seriously.

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Guarantee some are, but I imagine most are just hoping they win the coin toss and get more twinks.


This tbh.

Some of us, like myself, are just too damn stubborn to quit even when it’s obvious that we’re outclassed. It’s not masochism, it’s a matter of pride.

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As much as I take pride in myself, my value of time is greater than that. No offense. If I’m a twink in a group of levelers, there’s no way I’m wasting 15 minutes of my life constantly fighting 5 on 1.

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Yeah I def rolled a twink to farm pointless HKs :roll_eyes:

PVP happened.


Personally, I don’t twink to honor kill farm. I do it out of necessity. If I don’t, I will get steamrolled over and over again, spending most of my time not actually playing the game.

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The lack of population is twinks’ problem, not Blizzard nor anyone else’s.


This is a good recap of the lower and upper brackets, but let’s clarify some midbracket history here. 29s, 39s, 49s, and 59s all got games for a few months in Wrath after the 3.2 patch landed. 59s stayed dead after wrath, but the other midbrackets revived and died in each expansion (multiple times for certain brackets) for the duration of the segregated queues.