PVP Feedback First week 11/21

Providing some early feedback from the community that we have all been experiencing in the initial part of the season on the PVP side.

Inflation - Great pacing so far, with the soft reset on MMR it feels like the system has correctly placed equally skilled players in the same matches and lobbies. It feels great to be able to climb to a desired rating and not feel the hard ceiling cap of MMR become an issue this early. Thumbs up.

Class Balance - A couple of specs are over performing and could use some reigning in. Only including the most glaring issues.

Demon Hunters - DHs have become our first meme of the season with how incredibly over tuned their consistent damage is, often doing twice the damage of every other DPS spec in matches.

The first offender is the talent “Soulscar” (previously “soulrend”) which has received nerfs in the past. It is ticking for 50k damage which seems unreasonable for how short a cooldown throw glaive is combined with the talent “Master of the Glaive” which gives it 2 charges.

Immolation Aura paired with the talent “A Fire Inside” provides an unreasonable amount of damage and uptime with the ability to overlap auras plus its ability to reset the CD of itself.

Mage (Fire) - Ignite damage is still way too oppressive when combined with “glass cannon” and “Intensifying flame” often accounting for 3-4x the damage of any of their other spells.

Rogue (Subtlety) - Vanish having 2 charges and providing CD reduction with “Invigorating shadowdust” creates a toxic gameplay loop where they will always have access to defensives. This in addition to having insane burst damage in their shadowy duel window creating a “no counterplay” type scenario which is unhealthy for arena.

That’s all for now, I don’t claim to know everything or have the answers but when the PVP community cries out for nerfs there is rarely someone to help get the message across to the developers so I wanted to help this time around. Cheers.