Pvp enchant earned at Rival II (1950cr) now

3s goes to damp all the time. Shuffle only shortens the match by like 8minutes (for obvious reasons).

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Settle down before I have to put you down in wPvP again.

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Sir? I couldn’t hear you over the 8 other horde there BUCKO!

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Wonder what it looks like.

honestly who cares, 2100 in shuffle is rewarded when you purchase game time

plus I have red and blue weapon already so I double don’t care

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Those were actually my pets. I trained them and they’re an extension of my stable. HAVE SOME RESPECT!

This post cut me deeper than when my wife said I mog my character like the government runs the country.


the shuffle dig or the red/blue weapon flex

Didn’t know you were so powerful as to train players as your pets, I have misjudged your greatness Jimercy King.

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I’m hoping to finally get Threes Company: 2000 this expansion

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Listen, I’m not just a pretty face.

I trained Efx. I’ve been feeding him Takis (rare candy) and Landshark Beers for days. He still hasn’t evolved and only does 1k dps in BGs.


One or two more buffs and you’ll be back to Dragonflight flame patch melting an entire team. Fingers crossed.

That it doesn’t happen.

Don’t worry,fire can’t be the worst DPS spec for long.

I don’t know what this means for the future of rated PVP, but all of you know without me needing to tell you that the writing is on the wall. Eventually queued content will carry the same rewards as non-queued, and non-queued may go away entirely.

I did not see Elite dropping to 2100 coming, God knows what changes they’ve got up their sleeve, but it does seem like they’re attempting to put most rewards on par with above average player’s skill ceiling.

When you’re in the gutter it feels like it will be forever

what you don’t like your trash cape that no one ever wears being the only reward for 2100.

You remember how you couldn’t get gladiator because you’re bad

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Slowly but surely. The “cope” word gets thrown around a lot, but to think otherwise is actually cope

Blizz is testing the waters. At the end of the day their goal is to increase and maintain participation. Solo Q is certainly accomplishing that. They’ve concluded that 3s alone isn’t enough to keep engagement up. Yeah adding all rewards to solo Q would alienate veterans but it would attract a lot more players, so it might end up being a net positive in their eyes.

With all that being said, I hope they take the route of adding a unique mount to all ranked PvP modes instead.


Nope, can you remind me?

With two teammates who had finished their wins.

Just unlucky.