Ret in pvp is still goop because of their strong cooldowns, but like when it comes to dealing actual damage it feels more like low/moderate sustained except for small windows of burst. Or just feels very, very clunky to play in general when it comes to dishing out damage.
I’ve noticed Templar’s Verdict’s damage is also really low compared to what it used to be. In Shadowlands and DF Verdict was smacking hard because it was your primary damager, now I’m lucky (as Templar obv) if it is above Empyrean hammer
Templars Damage is as good as Slam is on Arms. Its a spender that feels like it hits like a generator.
The simple answer you are looking for is we don’t have any form of healing reduction in our kit. So even if we unload our full burst, every healer now has an instant cast ability to heal all the damage we put out.
Thats why if you play any other DPS class in PvP you will notice that even if the numbers arnt as high the damage is sticking because on top of sustained damage you also have Healing reduction at work.
Will we ever get it? Nope
Will we keep playing the class? Yup
Do we know why? Nope
For PVP Retribution is not great, it’s survivability outside of immunities is very low. Health accordions once, brought up by Lay on Hands, then you are in immediate death range when Divine Shield ends or is dispelled. Tranquilizing Shot removes BoP in one second when I see is as a hunter. Divine Protection is weak, SoV can break in a second. While all that is true Blessing of Spellwarding wards no spells that are CC, self healing other than LoH is very low, but players fear you using Blessing of Sacrifice so you’re a popular target while only doing middle of the road damage if alive.
Hammer of Light is nerfed in all content by 50% on PTR from what it can do on live now, with no nerf mentioned by Blizzard. Its damage going down was unexpected but it happened.
Ret is fine in pvp. In fact it could use some damage redistribution because it is way too frontloaded. Besides that it’s damage is absolutely on par with most other classes in terms of amount, it’s just much easier to put out and also from a moderate range even as a supposed melee. It has the simplest damage rotation/prio of any other class other than maybe BM hunter.
If you are actually struggling with damage, you may be doing something wrong somewhere and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Ret is king of 1v1 in wpvp, and in solo shuffle it has the highest representation of any melee by a LARGE percentage. I highly doubt the plural majority of people would be playing a class that is fundamentally weaker than the others, don’t you?
I never said ret was bad. I can win a 1v1 against almost any class in the game just fine, and I do very well in 2s.
I said it FEELS wimpy. Before, you had your minor/moderate damaging abilities to build up to your heavy hitters. Templar’s Verdict came out and absolutely smashed. Now it’s all almost even. Judgement hits on average for the same amount as verdict.
Your “spender” shouldn’t hit as hard and sometimes even less than your “builders”
HoL doing 50% less is wild… seems my hammer either hits decent or does no damage at all right now… especially if a movement ability is triggered it goes off but no damage done
Frontloaded means its all in one button when the issue is the opposite. Its way to spread out. For templar empyrean hammers are a huge % of total damage and it drops on everyome but your target. Waste numbers.
Boj, judgement and cs all passively cleaving is more pad damage.
Divine arbiter cleaving more pad damage
Final reckoning more pad damage
Highlords judgement even more damage out of your control
It needs to be frontloaded. It needs damage pulled from every single generator and put into final verdict and hammer of light
Hammer of light is templar exclusive, while DS is available to both hero specs, if the aim is to weaken builders to buff spenders, then the buff’s should he available to both hero specs.
Yea but this is a pvp thread. DS getting buffed wouldnt change a thing first because we dont have 100% uptime and many ds from empyrean legacy get wasted. Lots of times we are fighting outside of melee range.
I know pulling damage from generators sounds easy but I think we need to pull back on procs too. Highlords judgement, while iconic and cool with the exo animation and sound feels like should be moved to spenders. Make it a chance on spenders striking an aditional time same damage same proc chance (or even lower since spenders are so spammable). This is aimed at making spenders your go to button at ALL TIMES
It is weird the situation Ret Paladin is in for pvp. Strong cleave or Aoe is good, but without Single target damage being strong, while lacking MS, Disarm, and instant mobilty… Middle of the road ST dps cant impress me.
The names of abilities should mean something. When I hit someone with “Execution Sentence” while they have no defensives/immunity active and I dont see their healthbar move much I know there is a problem. Just like when I go on the PTR and HoL does half the damage it does on live. Ok, but why? When I log on PTR and max gear a sub rogue and press Eviscerate and it only eviscerates what little hope I had for the spec it is the same.
It’s just an opinion, but my opinion is ES or FR should be large sources of damage, same for FV and HoL. If a ton of our damage budget is taken from damage accidentally hitting off targets ok, but I dont like it.
And this is a design issue with fv being ranged and us not having a proper gap closure. Also isn’t hammer of light pretty much melee also so i don’t see the difference here.
Hammer of light is not melee. It has quite the range although it being less than fv is kind of annoying
I mean if ret became melee again sure buff ds, but thats an entire design shift. Right now ret is not melee is midrange fighter snd buffing ds would do nothing.
No it’s not. It is how we where designed before fv was an upper tree skill and talent tree’s was relaesed. Litterally all they gotta do is change jurisdiction into a gap closer skill and remove the range for fv at a minimum. The entire tree is just fine where it is from there.