PvP Daily BG Rotation

Then why would he, by your own admission, REPEATEDLY tell you to kick rocks when you asked him to flag run? A premade CERTAINLY wouldve been faster than running sand.

A lack of a reply isn’t the same thing as being flat out told NO. Otherwise I may not have asked repeatedly.

Silence is an answer too.

No, just pointing out that is so easy a bot can doit, not that I think he bots.

If he runs flags that (6months back) had a VERY High chance) I would be murdering the horde FC’s and required you burn FAP if you wanted to even have a chance to cross.

At that time WSG was the only BG you could get, AV and AB were very rare.

The fact that FC’s had to burn consumes is likely to be the real reason to avoid PvP.

Didnt think so.

Can you prove that he didn’t bot?

Silence is the opposite of an answer.


cAn YoU pRoVe A nEgAtIvE


Prove im NOT Chris Metzen.

Oh to be young and naive again. Dont worry, youll figure out what that means someday.

Maybe they should remove the option for solo queueing BGs in general, its just LFR for PvP is it not?

Me love you ruff.

I like how you play, just FYI, /respect.

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Wish this were so.,

Reason being that it would make pre-made more fun, and side benefit is that puggers would be more likely to Q.

You guys really dont get it at all, do you? Like, not even a little bit. PUGgers want to be you even less than they want to be around you.


you’re extra

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Do they instead just like to stick it to them on the forums most of the day?

I mean im willing to bet only one of us is getting paid while posting right now :dracthyr_shrug:

can we though? love free money

Because no one works remote.

Son, im 50 feet in the air testing a cat6 bundle. Been here aince 730.

Im versatile that way.

Do you parents know about this feat? I feel like you want attention.


Considering its how i bought them their home? Probably.