PvP - Bring back Consecration as its own spell for ret paladins

Making it a choice talent doesn’t change the entirety of the tree, another flawed argument for an easy solution. If that is your point of view, then change the first talent to Divine Storm rather than Blade of Justice, as Divine Storm is the next talent in line. Or would that change the whole class, a little too much for you?

Here is the kicker here, most people that argue’s it to be a seperate button wants to use it to break rogue stealth.

Which is just silly if anyone who played rogues would know.

At this point they should just bring back the talent Consecrated Blades and you can all shove it where the sun don’t shine.

Wait… you want to talk about other games on the WoW forums? Hmmm seems logical. Personally I’m a big fan of the old fable series, you know like fable 2 from back in the day? I really like the competitiveness of League and DOTA. Ooo, Half Life is another good one.

When one talks about game design, one had best have experience in other forms of games first.

Which clearly you don’t have allot of.

Wanna know what’s bad game design?

Making things more confusing then what it should be.

Specially for something to use as a stealth breaker even though AoE attacks is very ineffecient at it.

Ahhh yes… and here comes the ad hominem.

You know a lot of people would believe that making a game easier to play actually kills the dynamic and complexity, as well as the varying skill discrepancies within the game.

You mean this?

Which is used very poorly by the WoW community btw.

And there is such a thing called “good complexity and bad complexity” in gaming.

And btw, You don’t want complexity at the top of the tree. That belongs in the lower levels of the tree where people have the general idea of how to play.

If the point is to talk “best practice in game development” it would be a huge disservice to NOT talk about how it’s done elsewhere. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you want a spec tree that starts with a choice node, it need to be meaningful and purposeful.

The suggestion is neither.

Your “easy solution” is the in-game equivalent of holding your car together with duck-tape.

Sure, it “works” but it doesn’t make it any less laughable and all around a bad idea.

You should fix the car for real.

You’re asking for duck-tape.

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Uhhh? What?

Top of the tree, bottom of the tree, it means that much to you that new players learn through this single talent huh? Well how about this… like the other one said, bring back consecrated blades talents so ret paladins can have consecration back just like all of the other paladin specs. And you can lose your single talent that you so desperately cling onto.

You gotta love it when players who don’t play rated pvp, talk about the “good complexity and bad complexity” of rated pvp. It’s comedy you just can’t write.

You know, the same old “BaD GAme dEsIgn” that is thrown around the forums in an attempt to shut down arguements without actually making an arguement. such a boring thing to toss around at this point.

And it’s important for you to have this ability to choose such to cast consecrate seperately? Which the possible solution to do so can be as simple as adding a toggle button in the spell book instead of putting an bait talent right at the first talent spot. The spot meant to define and teach new players what the spec is about.

No. Espaicially at the top of the tree.

Bad idea is still bad.

Or maybe you can learn to play with what the designers designed the spec to be now?

The other choice is to remove Consecration from ret… again… It is too weak in it’s current iteration to be a by itself spell. (it’s modifier is 5% of our AP)

Uh huh. It’s comedy to ignore players with 20 years of playing this game and know what is a bad idea for the spec when they see it.

Oh wait, ad hominem again from you lol.

Hated how it was baked into another talent especially for pvp.

In pve its great ine less button. But jn pvp i need that protection when trying to flag or getting a stealthed player out of stealth.

As someone who always takes the less button route as my keybinds arent the best i still want concentration as a seperate button for pvp

Dude nobody wants consecration for its damage in pvp. Just to get or keep stealth vlasses in combat. Now we have nothing to pull them out other than wake of ashes lmao which we are not gonna gamble wasting since so much is linked to the spell

That’s for 4 spec out of 39, this is the definition of a niche use.
Given rogues are always a popular class in PvP but still.

The more common one was using it as root/slow cleansing.

For which it shouldn’t be tied to consecration.

There’s a bunch of specs doing well in PvP that don’t have ways to break stealth.

That’s not what’s holding Ret back.
And you out of all people should know, we have threads popping semi-regularly that identifies those same problems and they don’t come up with poor suggestions like this one.

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Its not four spec. Nelf is meta so every one that can be a nelf is a nelf and thats quite a few classes. And that is just speaking of the stealth aspect of it, roots are the other part too, I agree to have the default build go to Hoj concecrate for smooth platers, but the well versed players should have access to more kit. I support this post.

Alright get right off with Nelf , it’s a 2min cd on which the stealth is CANCELLED IF YOU MOVE.

This is the poorest of comebacks. :rofl:

If you have any awareness at all you know where they are…

What makes meld soo good is the mechanic behind it, for which consecration does nothing to stop it.

Not to mention shadowmeld has 0 AoE protections and don’t remove DoTs.

No skilled NE player would use shadowmeld remotely close to anyone except for rogues, in which they would use shadowcloak then shadowmeld away from AoE’s to enter regular stealth.

Concecration breaks your teammates’ CC. That is the main issue. High rated players already know about this and stick to their healer when they fight ret. If you are so afraid of your pve parses, just add an extra spell/passive that you press and can toggle it on/off.

play with a DK then.

It’s not part of what OP mentioned in his OG post though.
What he dislike is not being able to use it as “freedom” proxy or a niche stealth break.

Be that as it may, I’d argue for it’s removal entirely rather than it’s comeback as a spell.

I would have legit being more supportive of someone calling for it’s entire removal of ret or finishing it’s transformation into Divine Hammer than saying we need a trap choice node as the FIRST talent in the tree.

It’s an amateurish solution, at least removing it would force them to make new PVP talent for you guys.

It doesn’t guarantee they would be any good but it would be much more likely for them to do this than create such a piss poor choice node.

He doesn’t even make an attempt at making it good either, it’s lazy and desperate, like saying something about it generating HP or Replacing BoJ entirely with follow up talents to make it worthwhile.


It’s just: “there should be an option on the first node to revert to an objectively worse design of the spec to accommodate a niche use of a worthless spell and re-instate an interaction that should have been its own spell to begin with.”

Its one step forward and 2 step back…

How are we suppose to even take that seriously when people won’t even put the least amount of effort into it.

The hugging the healer is a good point, run with that and propose something worthwhile.
For what it’s worth, people don’t really hold consecration dearly, not on Ret.
If you argue for its removal and replacement with something more modern, there’s a good chance you’ll find broader support.

It’s nothing against you or OP, I feel for you guys.
Ret has often been the butt of the joke both in PVE and PVP.
Streak ended for PVE but it’s going strong in PVP, I wish it didn’t.

But this specific suggestion ain’t it.

I will make sure I notify the que system to put me in a tripple dk lobby in RSS. Also suggesting something outside of retwar/cupid atm really shows how competent in pvp you are.

That part is also important. Hallowed ground was designed when we actually did conc around us and you could opt out of conc blade. Now this talent is garbage.

Since the nerfs after our rework, our pvp talents are not looking good at all. They refuse to touch them for some reason.