I’m not able to queue for this week’s pvp brawl: Shadowpan Showdown. It just keeps telling me “join as group failed”. I’m not in a group. This was happening last week as well before it was decided to throw in comp stomp for another week. Just letting you know.
can we get a fix on this… feature that does not work… not a little small thing Blizzard.
Any type of update/fix would be great.
I don’t understand how an entire feature of PVP doesn’t work and we have 0 communication on this…
me too cant queue
pls fix blizz
yep no worky, maybe it will be fixed next season if we are lucky
Same, still can’t queue brawl, days later.
This has been a bug for all of Dragonflight as well. SMDH! Blizzard… smdh
I too am encountering this. Is there a work around/another way to que for this feature (as in an in world npc etc.)?
have the same issue. asked around some can queue but I cannot
Kinda insane how this has been broken the ENTIRE week lmfao.
Pretty amazing they ignored this.
Not really too happy with this once again how did we go the ENTIRE WEEK with no fix to this??? Imagine if heroic dungeons were down would you be told just que regular? Then why cant we que the pvp mode we want? This prevents us from completing the weekly quest also. How crazy, and I know there is many more game breaking bugs being fixed but I mean this wasent even addressed even after it failed and broke last week, this week its just swept under the rug?
cant queue too
FIX THIS… if this was something M+ related then would have been all over it in 10 minutes
How is this still not fixed??? WE PAY A SUBSCRIPTION BLIZZARD!!!
Well here we are almost at the end of November and this bug is still happening. I have tried every IT trick in the book - reloading ui, logging out and back in, closing wow completely, even restarting my computer. Still cant queue! What is going on Blizzard!!
QA this expo is just -_-
It’s a week long event and it’s just a wasted event.
Please remove from the rotation. This brawl never works!
multi-dollar company