PVP Blood DKs / Healer stealers

Whats the strat, Teach me what i gotta do, cause i’m about to start on my dk for blitz.

Teach me your ways oh great ones.

Tips tricks n whatnot

Please and thank you.

Step 1: Do not play Blood.

Blood elf Male detected, Opinion rejected.

In general DK is good about disrupting movement and rotations, Blood in particular because you don’t have to remain within proximity of your healers as much and have a shorter grip cd.

There’s the obvious “kidnap a priest”, or a softer version of just moving any healer away from where they want to be, like the efc. You aren’t good at carrying the flag, but you’re good at making most efcs not move and most healers unable to reach their fc.

Also the Walking Dead honor talent disables roll, so recommend playing that into Mistweavers.


Awesome. Thank you!

I’ve been playing with it a bit, gonna take a while before I’m comfortable with it, definitely feels odd being a tank in pvp

I think I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and just queue for blitz cause it’s not going great in random lol

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I do not condone heal stealing unless it becomes an absolutely imperative win condition (i.e. amoebas hurting themselves in confusion on your team).

The strategy is as simple as keeping chains of ice and DnD with grip of the dead up after yoinking them with death grip to a preferred location. If the enemy team is smart, they will rescue the healer, but dps tunnel vision saves your life in a lot of cases.

Be sure to kick any impactful cds they have, and enjoy the boredom as your team wipes at market because they trickle in one by one!