PvP blanket nerf is boring

Can u try something like reducing crit dmg and buffing stamina next time


Ofc the pally says this. Imagine not being able to kill someone in the span of your bubbles duration LOL. You are like that stunlock rogue that keeps crying.


Seen a rogue complaining he couldn’t full to nothing someone during his kidney shot and that’s why rogues would need buffs to compensate.

Problem is flat HP won’t do as much as % reduction imo. My max hit with arcane surge currently is 4600 crit. So how much stam does everyone need to survive that?

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How are warriors doing? :wink:

Warriors? O you mean target dummies

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100% agree, i just put on yakkity sax in the background.

Ofc its the shaman saying paladin can’t kill something while they can instant full heal every 5 sec from maelstrom procs

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Cry more lul

And you’re a loser trying to self inflate on public forums, your point?

Yall whining about a mana strapped, kamikaze class that has a slowed attack speed by 100% while bubbled, with a 5-second stun and zero interrupt (impractical to use Rebuke) should really look into your spellbook or learn to not burn your trinket on a Repentance, shouldn’t ya?

The thing is, if a rogue can’t full to nothing you during a chain stunlock then the rogue is dead. What else are they going to do? To get enough energy to mutilate you after the opener that takes 6 full seconds. If VS a spellcaster, there’s zero defensive options available to remove debuffs or make you immune to incoming damage. Meanwhile the reverse is true for your target, who gets to hide in dispersion, cast iceblock, put you in roots to cast heals, etc.

The pally bubble of all things is hilarious to complain about since when that happens you just run away. What is the paladin going to do? Cast their non-existent root on you? Cast their non-existent snare on you? Cast their non-existent teleport/intercept to you? Just trinket the HoJ and most of them have nothing to do. If you’re dying to a paladin who bubbled the fault is 100% on you. A bubble is more of a defensive ability that prevents a paladin from dying instantly in a group fight so they can actually live long enough to contribute some damage to a fight, or a way to instantly clear a stack of debuffs.

Heaven forbid a melee class actually has a useful defensive right? The amount of tears that would flood this forum if cloak of shadows got put into SoD would be enough to fill an ocean. The casters are so damn spoiled they don’t know what its like anymore. Melee should be a threat, not a joke. Every other part of the game this was the case, in actual vanilla, in retail, etc. Only in SoD have they become a joke.

Instead of the blanket nerf they should have just provided better defensive options to classes that struggled to stay alive. But a blanket nerf just makes it so the already OP classes get even more OP because they already could stay alive that’s why they were OP to begin with.

So what is your solution lmao let rogues kill everyone in openers and kidneys? Not have to use your gouge, blind, sap, vanish or anything? It may be time to watch some world of roguecraft.

This means nothing. You are not limited to auto attacks in bubble anymore since you have CS, DS, and Exo so your damage barely goes down in bubble. Your class is completely broken, you are just upset you dont get free kills anymore. Sux to suck.

I know the guy who gets a lay on hands at 0 mana cost every few seconds isn’t calling my class completely broken :joy: :joy: :joy: divine storm barely hits for more than an auto attack on a 10 second cooldown, nobody is even running that in PVP in p3 bud. this is your brain on shaman.

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If you, as a shaman are dying to a pally, in any regard, before or after this change, I genuinely hope you are in every single BG I queue up this weekend…

They tried buffing stamina, it wasn’t enough. The 1 shot fiesta was not fun.

Damage reduction is fun, fights require critical thinking and counterplay now and not smashing your iWin button like a monkey.

I feel like 50% is definitely too much but 30 or 35% might be a sweet spot. healers were already better before this nerf than they were in p2, but they definitely had to blow their whole load to match the damage output. fights shouldn’t be one shot fest but last night I was in a WSG just for fun, don’t need the honor, and neither side got a cap for 25 mins until we finally capped once. after that, there were like 3-4 on the horde side who just didn’t wanna play anymore and threw the game for the rest of their team that still tried. there should be more of a middle ground.

also maelstrom weapon should reduce self healing by 25% or cost mana or something, it could be played around in the burst meta but the rate at which full stacks build and you get an insta heal VS the rate you take damage makes them tanks who put out DPS damage again. it feels like a prolonged fight against way of the earth enhancement.

I’ve gotten in these kind of games in 2019 classic and TBC occasionally too. If one side is mega turtling their whole team, or you have a Druid/mage that knows all the exploits, both sides are skirmishing in the middle, etc it drags out the game.

Long games are fun when it’s genuinely a neck and neck fight, it does suck when the team are just idiots or a Druid is using exploits to make them hard to target though.

I’m not opposed to this shaman change. Multiple classes could be tuned differently to be balanced around the slower paced meta.

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yeah I mean I had a good time overall, probably would have been more tilted if we didn’t get the first cap lol. but the reduction definitely makes turtling more inevitable.

side note, I hate all the super mario jumps in WSG, like fix this goofy terrain, it’s definitely exploiting no matter how people try to spin it

Had an AB today with 6 warriors on my team. We won, but the score was like 1900/2000