PVP Battleground bug please fix ASAP

At level 62 I went into a Battleground tonight and my hp went from approx 64,000 in PVE to exactly 24,000 in PVP. It changed my level to 60 in PVP but it seemed to also change my item level (even though it said it was 238).For the record yesterday when I was still level 60 with the exact same items I had 55,000 hp in PVE and the exact same in PVP. My buddy then got to level 61 with his warrior, and he went from aprox 90,000 hp in PVE to 36,000 in battlegrounds. Right before he turned 61 we did a battleground when he was level 60 and his HP in battlegrounds was exactly he same as his HP in PVE (mid 80,000).
Iā€™m not sure how this bug made it to the live servers, but please fix it as it makes battleground unplayable.

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at level 61, i grouped with a level 60 and in BG i was scaled from ilvl 301 PvP to 174 with 25k hp. funny enough we still won.