PvP abandoned by devs?

Isnt hard to hotfix the PvP current state:

  • Disable PvE Set Bonuses in BG’s
  • Disable tank runes in BG’s
  • Flameshock reduced by 50% in PvP
  • Starfall reduced by 50% in PvP
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Killshot also reduced by 50%.

2.5k-3k on mail is pretty mental per killshot.


The problem isnt on Kill Shot itself, tier2.5 makes the skill mongo. That’s why tier bonuses should be disabled in PvP enviroment.

When it hits as hard as a hardcast whilst being instant, then it is a problem with the ability itself.
Let’s not defend broken :poop: whilst gaslighting (even when rightfully) other classes.


They are not “pve” set bonus, they are a SET bonus.

Sanctified Will be a true “pve” bonus.

There are classes that are very dependant of tier bonus for being playable ( not hunters), ret is dog#-&+ without tier 2 bonus, it’s just a phase 3 class, shockadin would not exist with this rule and other classes should be still godly broken without tier (shamans) because their runes give them 3-4 effects per rune.

Tier sets give to people to have a chance vs r13 and r14 people and make all of the grind less painful.

NO playing a feral druid without a longer rake and no bleed crits from the t1/t2 sets sounds … well… awful. defnitley nerfing some of the set bonuses i think should be on the table. but removing them? no.

It was abandoned in P2

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Lol my dude go back to stale boring Era if you don’t want set bonuses working in PvP. I’m really looking forward to the shoulder enchants since Arms Warrior is nearly unplayable in PvP without the ZG Enchanted R13 set.



I don’t believe Flameshock is the problem. The problem is you can pick up tank abilities while keeping DPS specs.

For Starfall, I think it needs to be changed to have the same radius as Consecration. The problem is that even though the Tooltip says 5yrds. The actual ‘Starfall’ effect is a 30yrd radius from the cast point (the druid). Meanwhile, Consecrations ‘area of effect’ radius is only 8yrd.

Starfall should have it’s radius reduced to 8yrd and the Idol that reduces the radius by 50% should instead reduce the cooldown to 45 seconds.

I’ve mentioned this before. But they should take a page out of the Gamma Protocols from Wrath Classic, and add “Role NPCs” that you talk to in BGs.

Basically, when you join you’d get a debuff “Undecided” that would reduce your damage and healing by 90%. To clear the debuff you would talk to an NPC to get a ‘Role’, DPS, Tank, Healer.

Healers would have their Damage done greatly reduced, their damage taken slightly reduced, and their healing massively increased.

DPS would have their damage done greatly increased, their damage taken slightly reduced, and their healing massively reduced.

Tanks would have their damage done slightly reduced, their damage taken greatly reduced, and their healing massively reduced.

Slightly would be like 10-15%
Greatly would be like 40-50%
Massively would be like 75%+

…I don’t want to give hard numbers so I’ll just stick to words and what I think would be an appropriate “tuning range”.

Once a role is selected then that’s it. You’re locked to it until the next match.

I feel like this is the best way to ‘fix’ PVP without nerfing a class into the ground for PVE or PVP; some of us like playing tanks even in PVP. And trying to shuffle Runes around so a DPS can’t pick up tank runes would just break it in PVE.

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Or, you know, just stop letting PVP happen, but I can’t see that happening, ever.

The fact that T3 also reduces the CD on Kill Shot too :joy:

If Blizzard stopped making such dumb set bonuses they wouldn’t have such a hard time trying to balance a class that can 2 shot players from a 40 yard range :clown_face:

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terrible idea.

If the blanket nerfing of dmg and hp increase in bgs just exacerbating problems in balance between classes wasnt enough, youre literally asking for another bloat system that does exactly the same thing.

Its not the solution. Also it doesnt adress the fact that this only applies to bgs and not openworld, bgs already are far and few between and without incentives people dont do them cause the outcome is determined by a team effort and that is very often very poor.
Cause you have people semi afking in bgs to get their grind done.

Game should be simply balanced with PVP in mind, heck id go even further and say id balance it around pvp straight up, since thats the real endgame arc and reason why many people chase gear to have fun fighting each other.

its even in the games name World of WARCRAFT.
Also balancing the game around world buffs and pve outcomes is bad design.

  • First of all no one likes running around the world collecting world buffs every single week or more often.
  • Second, You die in a raid / dungeon and lose your wb’s youve literally bricked your run, specially if youre melee your damage just goes to sh!t (no one likes this)
  • Third, a raid is perhaps 2h a week on a 7 day lockout if youre doing current content, balancing the whole game around 2h of gameplay a week while making the remaining hours where youre not running world buffs and have tonnes of buffs stacked etc just terrible by design.

Add bonus damage modifiers to abilities for pve, just like you did with certain runes that buff pve dmg (cutthroat is an excellent example and it works perfectly fine). If you add abilities / bonuses just balancing around pve and they can be used in pvp its obvious theyll be broken.

To finish this whole rant off,
Trap launcher should have never been a thing - Broken beyond belief (nerf after AV was unplayable was just a band-aid), traps in combat should not be a thing. How do you lay a trap while someones watching you?!?!

Tanks doing DPS tier damage should not be a thing - Tanks should have high survivability for the cost of doing terrible damage that has a massive aggro modifier.

DPS going ham to push high numbers should come at the cost of being squishy, glass cannon. This would allow meme specs like pom pyro that would be fun but not viable for anything else than just lets once every 5 minutes when CDs are up

Warlock lifedrain being uninterruptable and not being lowered by any abilities that affect healing should not be a thing. Cool rune, but it should have a flag making it lets say uninterruptable for npcs if that was the plan, but when a player uses an interrupt it gets cancelled

These are just 3 off the top of my head.

Feels like the team is trying to do certain things backwards and causing themselves issues in the long run when it could have been avoided with a different philosophy.

There’s nothing to address.

The reason I opted for this is because if they try and balance any other way it’ll destroy PVE.

That’s why the ‘outside’ intervention is needed. It’s the easiest way to attempt to balance a game that was never balanced in the first place; made worse by the addition of Runes.

…or we could just slap another Damage Reduction modifier and/or Healing Reduction modifier; again. And see if that works. :roll_eyes:

Bro, have you been following what next phase has in store?
The sanctified drama, and how terrible the pve balance is according to sims?

lol, they really dont need to fix pvp the proper way to destroy pve m8

By destroy I’m mostly referring to if they opt to try swapping runes around. But also by nerfing rune abilities.

All in an attempt to reign in the outliers that are causing most of this kerfuffle with PVP.