PvP - a new change

Due to the mass outrage on these forums in regards to honor per honor and how changes (early bg release nullifying wpvp, av change affecting ones ability to premade av, salty tears about facing wsg premades while quing as a pug, etc etc) i feel we need to release AB 2 weeks after BWL opens - because no one will have any content left.

I also feel we should have a change to the pvp ranking system - remove it completly. No more pvp gear at all. This change will nullify premades for any and all bg’s because honor per hour will mean nothing.

I look foward to reading everyones replies. Everyones input is highly valued :slight_smile:


i think none of this whining would’ve happened if they just removed PVP. WoW’s a raiding game afterall.

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The perfect solution.

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Here’s an idea… release the before the storm update with all relevant content and then let classic die… lol

I’m sure we’ll be seeing AB early.

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No. We could do alot better than legion content, although i did love legion. Just tweak the leggo reward system and allow us to have no cap on leggo slots (wear them all - become a litteral god) and xmog anything we want.

Or if they made PVP gear purchasable with badges. Then nobody would care about ranking.

or Gold. yeah.

Im very surprised it took this long to get this answer. Ther issue being peole would still be crying on the forums because they cant efficiently farm the marks they need.

Back to the drawing board!!!

A lot of people, myself included, came to Classic for PVP.

I enjoy PVE content, but prefer PVP. I could get my PVP fix back over at retail, however I wanted to enjoy PVP along with the gear and Rank grind that this version of the game offers.

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You have single handedly created the hugest deluge of salt posts in the history of classic.

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Lets break down this a little further.

What did you want to anjoy about Classic pvp*?

I myself enjoy how my warrior plays, the lack of self healing on every class, how class comp can make or break a team.

I find many of those that wanted Classic pvp was because they wanted to play broken specs or games where exploits are possible - and they hide behind #nochanges - they dont want toplay a version of them where things are fixed.

I do my best work on these stinking hot day (45 degrees celcius here atm) where im infront of my aircon on my pc. Its even to hot to play wow atm.

The simplicity of the classes.

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Did you roll a pvp server?

At this point, it’s tempting.

I was actually looking forward to playing with people who queued up because they wanted to PvP and play the maps, not just farm the game like in retail. Silly me, I guess.

Boo! Get out.

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initially.i didnt like it so i left.

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Almost like you have options to engage the pvp or not…

i dont know what you’re saying.

There is a easier solution.

Everyone roll Horde.

No Alliance - no pvp then #nochanges tapping head meme

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