[PvP] 1.5 Min Healer Trinket Shouldn’t Go Live

CC has already been reduced so much this expansion, there’s really no reason for this to go through before the season begins. If anything, looking at the amounts of micro CC this game has should be the priority, not trying to bandaid with a shorter trinket.

The game feels pretty PvE right now. You’re going through multiple defensives a healer has on top of their partners (Aug/Hybrid heals/Void Shift) making kill windows even smaller with shorter CC durations and now a shorter trinket CD is just going to have games go into dampening and harder to punish. You’re forced into a play style where you’re playing to not lose rather than playing to win.

I haven’t seen much support for this by anyone (if any) on the forums or any other social media platforms. It feels like the feedback on this is being ignored.