PvE vs. PvP, which is harder?

Would you rather have a GOOD PvP-er in your raid, or a GOOD PvE-er on your rated PvP team?

The obvious answer shows one requires more skill than the other. Discuss.

apples and oranges
pvp i would say is harder, pve is a predictable encounter, once you get the pattern and timers down and a group that works together than its not a struggle
but in pvp although alot of players “can be” predictable in cooldown usage or "forcing " defensive cds, its still a more complicated thing because you are playing against an actual human who can be creative
(i actually counterspelled a shaman that was using a hearthstone tricking me into thinking it was a heal)
these things i would say makes pvp more complicated than a pve encounter
both the good pvp player and the good raider should have a real knowledge of his/her class abilities, but a pvper needs to also know “other” classes abilities to counter them in pvp

so i would say pvp would be my pick for harder

i do want to edit
i take nothing away from raiders, raiding is more hardcore as far as scheduling it can be grueling and alot more costly gold wise than pvp which for the most part you can do on your own time.
So its hard to compare the 2 without offending some people but i take nothing away from raiders at all

I agree with this as well.

Even if a raid fight would be considered more “static” and relying on patterns, rather than a dynamic and possibly unpredictable fight like pvping, I feel the type of player in either environment to excel would be the PvP-er.

I would rather form an entire guild of strict PvP-ers, just to do high-end PvE content together, rather than hardcore PvE-ers. To the PvP-ers, it is a complete cake walk to learn on the fly.

This thread is not going nice places

They’re both difficult in their own ways. If we’re talking about rated PvP, then I would rather have a good PvP’er on my team because they know the concepts in place such as what to interrupt, when to run, etc. While someone might be excellent at raiding, such concepts (especially bailing from enemy cooldowns) might not be so fluid with them.

But it’s two entirely different content fields. It’s not really something you can just equate in either direction.

How would you answer this below:

Would you rather have a GOOD PvP-er in your raid, or a GOOD PvE-er on your rated PvP team?

Agree with everything they said.

I would rather have a good pvper on my pve team because the good pvper will be paying attention to party frames and using utility to help the group and naturally interrupting and if a pull goes wrong they’ll be able to utilize their toolkit to recover quickly without needing a guide to tell them to

A good pver in pvp will unload his perfect dps rotation onto an enemy but not pay attention to proper cooldown trading


The hardest content is PvPvE. Or lfr, as you may know it.

When half your team walks off a fat bridge I feel like I’ve just been ganked.


The way PvP works in this game, I wanna say Pvp is a bit more difficult. With PvE, you can learn the patterns of an NPC, then beat him down. PvP? It’s chaos in the wind. I was told if you REALLY want to know your class inside out, do arenas.