PvE to PvP Transfers

I really wish this was available. What is the logic in not being able to move from one to the other? I PAY a monthly fee to play this game and yet I don’t have the option to PAY to transfer to a PvP realm? I originally chose a PvE server to play with friends and guildies whom have since quit game entirely . . . so now my characters (whom I have a put a lot time and MONEY into) are stuck on a server with no option to xfer to a PvP server that would be more suitable to my play style? Why is this not an option?

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Players who gain gear and progression on servers that are not PVP do not have to deal with the difficulty of world PVP, and therefor have an advantage when moving from PVE to PVP.

PVP servers have an inherent disadvantage for all content that PVE does not, so it’s ok to move from PVP to PVE, but not the other way around.

I get that but at this point not sure it’s very impactful.

I totally get what the OP is saying. I have several level 50s on Wildgrowth. But even after new content release it’s very inactive on horde side from what I have seen. The buffs and op abilities do make leveling a new toon on CS easier, but it’s still a chore.

Between that obstacle and new fresh realms being very active not worth it to me.

I somewhat see your point . . . from the view of what the game was 20 years ago… With added XP buffs and all the other tweaks that have been made to the game I HIGHLY doubt that there is any significant advantage to this whatsoever. It just blizzard being retarded as usual. An example of this would be Arena Skirms . . . back in the day very few people did skirms . . . in the last go of Wrath there were a TON of people doing Arena skirms. They made the choice to eliminate skirms in Cata back then because of the low demand . . . so that is what they did this time. Low and behold there were a ton of complaints about bringing skirms back for Cata. The data that proved true 20 years ago no longer applies to this version of the game. Blizzard can do better but they refuse to …

the reason is easy, to keep the factions balanced. you chose to play on a faction balanced pvp server. to be honest most version of wow never had xfers from pve to pvp, just the opposite.

You have to bite the bullet and reroll like I did, thankfuly it’s super quick in SOD.

Piggybacking off this to once again ask that CS to WG moves be opened again for those of that weren’t playing.