After the 3/11 Hotfixes, Elemental Shaman spells are hitting for 20-30% less than they were before the hotfix.
I heard this on the Shaman Discord and checked my logs from last week – Sure enough, my spells were hitting for about 20% more than they were in a key I did an hour ago, despite having the exact same personal & class buffs active and about 6 more ilvl for today’s run(s).
The numbers seem to roughly line up with the PvP Buffs that were applied as part of 3/11’s hotfix batch, but as negatives. Maybe something got flipped around there?
edit: Things not changed in the PvP Tuning are also affected, so maybe not that.
There have been no patch / hotfix notes for PvE Elemental Shaman, so I am assuming this is in fact a bug.
It seems more pervasive as it’s also affecting multiple parts of our damage profile beyond the targeted spells in the PvP tuning notes. This includes things such as spenders like Earth Shock, the abilities of our Storm Elemental casts, and even mundane things such as the tf Earthen Rage. However, we can’t make heads or tails about why this happened.
This desperately needs attention given that this is a critical period for many players across all skill levels and forms of PvE content (Raiding, M+, Delves, World Content).
My damage was roughly 25% lower than it was before the patch as well. I thought something was off. This needs fixed quickly because we are trying to get rating and get boss kills, etc. Super important time to not be dealing 25% lower damage than everyone else around you.
Bumping, Blizz please take a look at this, it is sorely noticeable
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I am also hitting worse than before… I thought I was crazy, but I was hitting 1.1-1.2m lava bursts pre tuesday, now I am hitting about the same/a little less. Even with a “20% buff”
overloads definitely hit less.
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I get the same problem this week even with new 4 pcs tier, my dmg drop like 20-3]%
This was fixed about noon CST today, thankfully.
It’s worth noting that the S1 2-set is much stronger than the S2 4-set for Elemental. If you have highish ilvl S1 Tier, it’s probably worth using that + the S2 2-set until you get Myth Track 4-set.