Hey again, WrA friends! We’re back for shenanigans. That’s all about what I know to update with because that’s about all we get into.
History is an LGBTQIA+ friendly, progression-focused social guild looking to beef up our numbers as we wrap up 10.1 and Aberrus and head into THE EMERALD DREAM AND SAVE SOME TREES!
As a guild, we were formed in October of '20 to help give a safe, friendly, and casual environment for our players to push the game’s content in an equally casual way. A lot of our members range from social, roleplayers, and active raiders (or all of the above!) who dig into the content pretty regularly so there’s always something potentially going on.
Never done Mythic+, Rated PvP, or Raids but still interested? That’s great! We’re recruiting all players of experience backgrounds. We only ask that you come in with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and improve — we’ll give you the tools to build and succeed.
Raid Schedule
Wednesday – 0745pm EST-1100pm EST / 0445pm PST-0800pm PST
Current Recruitment Needs - DPS! because who doesn’t
Interested in joining up? Great! There are a few things to consider before getting in touch with us:
• We’re an LGBTQIA+ all inclusive guild. Prejudice, racism, and all kinds of hate rhetoric will be met with swift and permanent ejection
• We’re an 18+ group of adults, no exceptions
• Push-to-talk in voice chat oh god don’t let me hear your bag of chips i will scream
• Don’t be negative and ragequit in the middle of a raid or AFK out of a battleground, that’s fun for nobody
If all of this sounds agreeable to you and you’re ready to reach out, find us and apply through the Guild Finder ingame, get a hold of one of our officers, or apply with the link below. We can also communicate through BattleNet or Discord, just let us know!
• tinyurl . com / applyhistory
The RP Stuff
History is a registered delivery company based on Boralus, Kul Tiras and operates a chapter in Stormwind City, while having shipping outposts managed throughout the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Operating as a logistics enterprise, History specializes in no one thing in particular—money’s money and everyone has bills to pay.
Its members range from couriers, bodyguards, medics, and more, all of who are expected to turn a blind eye for the benefit of the company, and loyalty like that comes with an added bonus. Nobody really asks why taxes aren’t taken out from their paychecks, and nobody really complains about it either.
Always open to taking contract work, History works and collaborates with guilds and other organizations all over Azeroth. Based and headquarted in primarily Alliance territory, History is known to work with other neutral factions, and at times even the Horde only if the price is right.
“No job is too small and no price is too big,” quotes general manager Jack Irving in an interview with local news outlets covering Kul Tiras commerce moving to Stormwind in a post Fourth War society. “Our crew is expendable—your package isn’t!”
Make History today.