Puzzling it out, Zerith Mortis bugged

57,83 Zerith Mortis World quest, “Puzzling it out” bugged, it is not appearing. Seems to have spawned inside the mountain.

March 15th, 2022


Just came here to report this. Same issue.


Same issue. Found the same cache at a different location, but sadly did not count towards the WQ

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Same. Several players just left it as well.

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Confirm bugged.

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Confirmed as well.

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Confirmed as well.

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Confirmed, cannot find the “Glissandian Cache”

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100% Bugged. : /

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Also confirming, Zuljin US

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not working on zuljin like the chest is stuck in the rock pillar?

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Confirmed Stormreaver US

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confirmed here in Arthas.

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Confirming bugged on stormrage

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Same on US Lightbringer, although I’m not even sure the chest is spawned. I turned on perceptive pocopoc and he’s not showing anything on the map. The map marker definitely leads to the inside of a stone pillar though.

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Yes confirmed as well. Shows up on Minimap and main map, but no cache

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Same here. Bugged on Icecrown/Malygos. Sure hope I can see it in the next 22 hours before it expires. :confused:

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Yup bugged for me too.

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Don’t you guys have playtesters?

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