Quest turn in is bugged . it will only let you turn in 2 and hangs up on number 3
same for me
Yup, I’m looking at about 10 others that cant turn in around me as well.
same here…
Same, the 15 bolts are gathered and one part is accepted 2 others just constantly dragging around with me and can’t turn in to the dumb birb. These quests are tested right?
Same in Uther. 10:46am Pacific. A bunch of folks who can’t complete.
looks like having 1 person in war mode worked for turning it in
Bugged for me as well
I can only turn in one part.
Same - grouped, dropped and picked up again. The hand will not turn in.
So did some testing and yes it is true to get around glitch person who turns in last piece must be in war mode.
finnaly worked for me in warmode
bug still happening please fix this blizz
Still can’t turn in the last piece and get credit for the assault.
Warmode or not, it dont work for me…
same,trying different options last 30 min with no luck.
Going to add my voice. Standing in a sea of people who cannot turn in the hand…
Adding myself… I just came back to the game one would think they had this all worked out by now… its frustrating. Tried exiting game and logging back in. That didn’t work, disabled all add-ons exited the game to reset it, it made me go get the last piece still nothing. I exited and tried getting it on a mount then no mount still nothing. BUGGED!! had to vent… phew feel better now.
Same for me as well on me orc hunter. What happened to creating tickets?!
Same I also cannot turn this in. It took one and left me with two parts and won’t accept those…Why can’t I create a ticket