Putting a CD on warmode

Just looking for some feed back but would putting a 12 hour CD on warmode help in anyway?

This would commit the player for half a day and not just put it on to turn in some quest then turn it off and go back to questing.


Make it like 1 or 2 days and you have a decent band aid to a problem.


After they made it so you can turn it off in any rest area, I doubt we will see more restrictive options in the future.


How about with WM on and if you join a raid in the open world you get 70% damage increase done to you from other players. With the buff called “gankers remorse”


Honestly, many of the solutions presented on the forum confuse me, as most of them seem keen on Blizzard shooting themselves in the foot. It’s sort of like amputating an arm when you get a paper cut.

If they put a hugely long CD on war mode, that would impact raiding. Most raiders tend to turn warmode off when they go to raid, in an attempt not to be that person that causes headaches for the rest of the raid when they are waiting for rosters to be set before zoning in or trying to get back for swaps. I personally keep warmode on, except for when I raid and do pet battles, and forcing me into a long cooldown would force me to choose between harming non-WM areas of my gameplay, or missing out on the enjoyment of playing in warmode for the bulk of my after work gameplay hours.

The above scenario does not seem to be one where Blizzard would retain more customers.

As for drastically increasing damage by those taken in a raid, that also seems counter to the design of the game. There is content in the open world that is intended for raid-sized groups, such as world bosses (I know you said damage from players only, but adding this in conjunction with this hard hitting content would be essentially tee’ing up the other faction to one shot tanking players for fun to see the chaos rather than to fully engage the other group).

Also, the concept of PvP’ing in a raid isn’t against the spirit of either war mode or raid groups. This is illustrated by non-raid quests not being able to be completed from within a raid, which includes the weekly Alliance 25 kills quest.

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Really? So what if people use WM at their will. I stay in WM and really do not care what others players decide to do with their play style, it isn’t that serious.

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If there is a long cool down, I think a lot of people will just opt for not turning it on in the first place.

That’s not enough to make a difference. With 30 player raids you’re stunned until you’re dead.

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Because there aren’t enough people to mob-kill the second they get off their flightpath to play the shell game.

If you complete the warmode quest for the weekly gear it should lock you in warmode until the following reset.


Just stormwind/orgrimmar.

You can turn it off in any rested area now.


This is an interesting idea, and so far the only one I’ve seen that makes any lick of sense outside of scrapping the warmode idea all together.

That sounds really inefficient for the player. So he goes and gets/does quests in NormalMode then runs all the way back to Stormwind/Org and turns on Warmode then runs all the way back out to turn in quests? That’s some extreme pvp fear and it’s likely cutting into his xp/hr to the point he’d be better off just staying in NormalMode.


amen brother lol @ extreme pvp fear.

Nah it’s any rest area now broski, I kept forgetting to turn it off yesterday when I was going to Timeless Isle and I just ducked into the little hut and switched it off.

Well that’s…dumb.

If you choose WM for the weekly gear bonus then you are wanting the benefits this gear brings… hence flagging yourself for what the gear is intended for PvP. If you can’t handle the reality of World PvP then you should go back to your PVE bubble and not whine about gear you must want handed to you as a PVE player.

What makes you think most Alliance are even doing this sort of thing? I mean, other than a few posts on the forums claiming they do it, without any proof they actually do it, or that they aren’t just trolling for horde tears, or horde players trying to make alliance look bad?

Anyways… I’m not opposed to this idea for some sort of “peace of mind” placebo, if it means players can no longer complain about something they have nothing but anecdotal evidence for.

Even better idea. Make the CD last until weekly server reset, for good measure. Anything to stop these baseless accusations.

Because all real evidence points to most Alliance don’t do this, so this won’t actually affect most people or change much of anything at all. Then we can move on to the next baseless thing to complain about.


That’s easy, make turning on WM reset quest progress. Now they have to commit and actually do the full quest+turn-in with WM on if they want the bonus. If people are too scared to quest with PvP on then they don’t get the rewards.