Put Hardcore On Seperate Servers

This happens every time there’s an update for something. It’s clearly important enough, that you won’t bring the hardcore servers up, before fixing the issues. Separate hardcore on the launcher, so they can be worked on separately, as needed. One game mode should NOT be affected by introducing something in another game mode.


Amen, release hardcore from its SoD shackles


lol…… they are on separate virtual machines….

The classic , HC, and SOD games share the same base code, evidentially they are all updated at the same time through patches to save time and space on multiple engines.

That ain’t working out well

They were until BLizzard decided to save money and scrap the original server software and make HC just one of the ‘classic’ variants, so now whenever SOD and ‘classic’ get major updates ‘era’ does also even though ‘era’ players don’t get any changes.

In this case they did a massive update to the server code for the Anniv. variant and in doing so broke ‘era’ even though ‘era’ HAS NO CHANGES that this patch includes.

tl;dr - they decided to save money in maintenance costs for ‘era’ at the expense of ‘era’ players … AGAIN.

And as Tinkelz says, there are no more ‘realm servers’ everything is using VMs so it’s the one-code-base-fits-all that is the root cause of many of ‘era’ problems in recent months … e.g. SOD feature leaks.

They did it to save money … as in all things these days with ex-Blizzard, moneys talks louder than customer satisfaction.