Oh, ok. Would you care to explain why it is wrong of me to “simply want” one of literally THOUSANDS of things in a game that I PAY FOR?
On the one hand, I’ve never really cared too much about someone getting something I have.
On the other hand though, I remember the near gut-punch feeling I got after finally getting the Sha mount after literal years of farming, only to have Blizzard announce Pandaria Remix two weeks later.
You really should re-read what they said in that post. You are quoting them in a way that is completely out of context.
You forgot to quote the eye roll emoji…which denotes sarcasm and changed the entire tone of what I said. I’d suggest carefully reading next time before jumping to REEEEE.
There’s nothing wrong with simply wanting something; however, the attitude that you are owed everything in the game simply for playing a sub fee is a childish one.
Imagine believing you deserve to win every game of monopoly because you bought the game. What about the other players? WoW has instrumental play and rewards as it should be.
I don’t think monopoly is a good analogy here, because the objective of monopoly is to have all the money and property, whereas there is no objective or competition in collecting pets and mounts. Me having Arfus (I actually did have it drop the last day of this year’s Hallow’s End) doesn’t take it away from someone else, where as me having Park Place, does.
I do get your point that things should be earned, I just don’t think monopoly is a good analogy here.
No problem, sorry. I just give the first analogy that comes to my head instead of agonizing over it. I should put more thought into them, or not use them.
As someone lucky enough to have Arfus, I think they should have made him available to everyone. All of the holiday mounts/pets should be purchasable with whichever holiday currency drops during the event. Stop the FOMO and reward time played instead of RNG.
Sinister Squashlings would drop for me, but not Arfus. Yes, put him on the vendor as well since Sinister Squashling are too.
Having a pet on a low drop rate is silly, I get the mount is but it never should be a pet.
Making a holiday boss complex was a mistake.
you reward based on time play, bots will have everything
He. Is. Available. To. Everyone.
Yes, your empathy for other players is quite clear. cough
i got 87 arfuses, it seemed i couldnt get anything else to drop but that spirit dog. I wish i could have sold him, someone offered me 100k gold since they collected pets and that was the only one they could never get
People who obsess over other players getting things they “worked hard for years ago” are probably also the type who refuse to give their children painkillers because “back in my day we didn’t have those wussy things.”
Bold idea but hear me out: being able to trade everything. Even if I want to sell my Ashbringer for 1 copper I should be able. Got this damn pet 3 times and here are people farming it for years while the best I can do is vendor it.
You can care for someone or a community without giving them everything they want or haven’t earned.
This is a lesson children learn early on, unless their parents did a bad job raising them.
I like Diablo 1 for this reason. Nothing is soul bound. (I don’t know if this applies to later games as I’m only familiar with the first.)
You just don’t get it, do you? No one is asking for “everything they want or haven’t earned.” I’ve tried over 300 runs for this pet as have others. A pet that has dropped MULTIPLE times for many people, a pet that should be made more available due to the limited opportunity to get it.
It took me over 10 years to get the headless horseman mount. A mount like that is different than a pet. I have yet to get Invincible. I have played over 15 years. I will honestly say the things I have wanted as much as I want Arfus could be counted on one hand, probably with fingers left over.
Please stop with the “you can’t have everything you want.” Comparing it to parents and their children is apples to oranges. AND insulting.
Put HH mount on vendor then.
All holiday mounts and pets should be on a vendor.
The low drop rate chance should just be there for you to get lucky.
I would give the old argument, chase what you want, don’t chase what you want. But then I realized we had all these silly limited time bronze celebration tokens and sometimes even the more specific bronze bullion for other items.
Blizzard seems so random on their PRNG.
Just put all holiday items on vendors, period. They barely count and serve no purpose in the game, but people like 'em. Woof.