That would be neat.
A saddle?
Put some seasoning on that bad boy and fire up the smoker
How about we just ride mounts bareback for once and not ruin pretty things with all sorts of saddles and armor?
Sounds good, my point was about doing it a mount. That works for me, it’s just a gorgeous model.
Oh I know. Mount sounds good. I’d like it saddle-less, though. lol
My only issue with saddle-less mounts is the amount of clipping that results. Have you seen the slime serpent mount? It looks so teribad whenever I see someone on it.
Don’t you love your animal friends. Riding a poor birdy without an appropriate saddle would break the poor thing…
Either way, get it in game - in a few colours. One would make a nice, high rezz phoenix thing.
If it had a saddle it should be something small like a horse saddle. Not one of those grand sweeping ones that look like metal.
Ok if they don’t have a unique of this bird somewhere referencing Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 going to be super disappointed
Would have made a nice 500 mount, BLIZZ.
It saddens me to see a really awesome mount be completely butchered by blizz’s terrible armor design choices, I’d love to see all mounts have saddles/armor (even head armor) be removable somehow.
I like this idea better.
I don’t even think something this unique would serve the achievement well. Most additions have been something extreme - bordering on non-canon. Albino Drakes, Felfire Hawks, Frostshard Infernals and so on - recolours, sure, but recolours that encapsulate a theme otherwise unavailable. The otter is just as bad as the yeti which would be just as bad as this. It’s not that they’re not aesthetically pleasing, but that they’re entirely mundane relative to the other rewards.
Instructuctions unclear. Added armor, exhaust pipes, chains, kegs, boxes, blankets, skulls, qnd a tiki torch
I hadn’t seen that guy yet, he’s gorgeous!
Lmao this pls
I want to love him, pet him and name him George.