Put a damn Anvil in Darn

What’re you doing?

Put an Anvil in Darn. :crazy_face:

I don’t play Classic and even I know no one hangs out here.

Probably because there isn’t an anvil.

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You should just be happy the developers gave Darn a single mailbox and what they are pretending is an inn. Honestly if there is a city in Classic that could use some love, it’s Darn.

Fly to Auberdine - it’s free.

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Considering we’re playing the patched version of the cities that have AH’s in every capital (originally AH’s were only located in Ironforge and Orgrimmar) it does make sense that we should have the updated version of Darnassus that has an anvil also.

If this was simply a case of #nochanges then players would have to go to IF or Org for AH’s also since that’s what we had to do in Vanilla.

Why put an anvil in darn when you can put your butt in SW or IF?

Sylvanas had the right idea.

I was running in circles on my dwarf hunter trying to find an anvil and realized there wasn’t one there.

darnassus doesn’t have any profession trainers that make use of an anvil :expressionless:
they are too sophisticated for that stuff
like someone else said, fly to auberdine and talk to the dwarves there.

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They should just burn it down…