Pushback on expansion for better pvp system~Blizzard? Why?

You will still have to buy that pvp carry.

As we mentioned in last week’s Shadowlands Development Update , we’ve heard a lot of feedback from the PvP community that Conquest vendors in Shadowlands don’t offer enough of most players’ desired stats, leading to the sense that much of the best gear for PvP will have to be earned outside of PvP. We don’t want that to be the case.

Our current plan to address these concerns should become available in the Shadowlands Beta over the next couple of weeks.

First, we’re shifting the stat distributions on Conquest gear to always include Versatility. There should be two out of the three combinations (Versatility/Haste, Versatility/Mastery, Versatility/Crit) available for every slot. Secondly, we are adding a 2-piece set bonus, activated by equipping two PvP trinkets, such as crowd-control break (Medallion) or throughput (Battlemaster’s, Dominance, etc.) trinkets. This bonus will increase the damage and healing benefit of Versatility (but not the defensive benefit) while in Arenas, Battlegrounds, or War Mode.

The Conquest vendor will not offer perfect coverage of every stat combination, but neither does any other single source of gear in WoW. A player who favors Haste and Mastery cannot get a full set of Haste/Mastery gear from raiding alone, so if you’re someone who wants to be absolutely optimal, you’ll benefit from branching out across multiple types of content. Nonetheless, the result of these changes should be that a majority of the best gear for PvP now comes through the PvP system.

We look forward to your feedback on this, especially following your experiences testing the new itemization over the coming weeks.
Blizzard is listening!!!

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I mean Tom Selleck…


I think I’m more happy about blizzard actually listening to the PVP community for once then anything else lol

Because player feedback is how we got into this mess in the first place. Everyone trying to chip in on what they think will make the game better. Just a cesspool of opinions.

Games were actually better when they didn’t listen to the players. If you don’t believe me then think of your favorite games and consider how many of them were great because of player feedback.

Blizzard didn’t rely on player feedback when they implemented PvP vendors and set bonuses in the first place back in Vanilla WoW. Yet the playerbase has been hivemindedly “brainwashed” over the past decade into believing that the masses know whats best for the game they didn’t even develop. Stating all this with the knowledge that this cycle won’t end which is fine.

Just a reminder that its not the player’s job to make the game more fun. That’s what a developer is paid to do. If they aren’t doing their job correctly then thats on them. We shouldn’t have to feel responsible for their “hard work”.

WOD went downhill for PVP due to them trying to cater to the PVE players.

Look at the subscription numbers ATM while PVE has never been better then it is now yet the game is still flopping, Its about time they listen to the PVP scene.

I bet any money that if they make this PVP system the way people have been requesting by adding PVP stats and bonuses and you no longer have to do PVE to enjoy PVP not only on a casual level but top tier lvl, the game will see a huge boost in numbers of new and old players returning.

The need for a good PVP game is HUGE atm, reason why so many companies are trying to recreate the PVP scene blizzard once had…

I honestly wouldn’t mind if they put the PVP aspect on hold when they release shadowlands, if they focus on fixing everything and not just trying to hotfix stuff with no real research being done on the new system and so on.

They should just scrap everything that has to do with PVP and start over, go threw the old forums, go watch old videos go talk to old devs the list goes on the way they can recreate the PVP system so it works for everyone on a casual lvl and elites’t lvl, take everything that was great and make it great again, just accept there is a huge need to fix the PVP problem and fix it for once before its to late.

Like even our characters are limited to customization when it comes creative builds and so on, everyone is running the same stuff, even the talent system is outa wack, there is multiple things that need to be fixed.

Before they stopped releasing sub numbers in middle of WoD % of total player base in rated pvp (2/3/5/rbg) was higher than it had ever been.

The sub count as a hole went downhill, there was lots of problems when it came to trying to keep people pvpin in WOD non stop they tried to fix things and it didn’t work out . with how bad MOP was no one even wanted to PVE at that point lol only reason lots ventured off to PVP

Pvp in wod was healthier than both legion and bfa for participation, both in terms of raw numbers and % of total playerbase.

well yes, cause people were excited for changes after everything was pretty much removed after cata, so when MOP hit it was a flop then WOD came was a lil bit of hope due to ashran and such but even then it was dog doo, then people noticed blizzard dont care anymore for PVP and started to quit, the direction of the game took a turn for the worst and the numbers today speak for everything.

Rather blizzard accepting they messed up they just use the excuse that new games like overwatch and hearthstone and such came out so thats why they lost so many… weird how the PVP type games took all those subs eh…

CATA and WOTLK was the best time ever to play this game.

not a mmo, but a fps

Card game

And we have zero idea if there is overlap or just people that were into those genre’s that wanted to play, your logical fallacy is hilarious here.

hey thats not my excuse thats legit words from blizzard…

I already know its the wack PVP system that killed the game.

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Unfortunately pvp has never been the true selling point of WoW, its that it’s been a casual friendly mmo compared to others in it’s genre.

When pve fails WoW fails, when pvp fails some people leave. However blizzard should respect pvp, because when they make a brown mess in the bed with their pve content draught, then the game ends up limping along carried by the pvp content ironically and if you notice thats when pvp gets attention.

PVE hasn’t been failing… its actually been better then every to PVE and the numbers keep dropping like crazy, only thing that gives people hope is the PVP system, its what everyone talks about, no one talks about how hard it is to gear or do things in PVE on a casual or top tier level, no one complains, but all around people talk about the way PVP is…

How can you say PVP not a true selling point when they constantly try to fix it to bring people back and the arena championships and such they fund money into to attract more people and almost every expansion they focus a lot making people think the PVP system will be great and turns out not to be true.

BFA is prime example, focus so much trying to make people think it was gonna be heavily focused on PVP and nothing good came from it.

PVP has less attention now then ever, there is less people PVPin now then ever before.

They changed almost every aspect of PVP from talents to gearing, since then they have done nothing but try and hotfix the issues rather then legit fixing everything about it. They have no reason not to focus heavily on PVP atm it the only hope to bring the game back to life cause clearly making PVE as easy as they have has done nothing but ruin the game.

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not currently it hasnt. I am talking about cata-wod.

Also skimming through the post I see there is a break in communication and way too lazy to fix the error.

So will leave with it here. Have a good day

There was more people raiding the LK and Dragon soul then any other raid…


Well looks like Shadowlands might be pushed back lol

They don’t care about pvp.
They care about forcing you to pve and making sure window lickers get 2k.

whats wrong with licking windows?

If you look at the m+ drop rate nerfs, pvp vendors, and personal rng loot and get that I got a bridge to sell you.