Alexandros Mograine disappears on the way to the battle and does not re-appear. I think he has turned coward and leaving me to die quickly.
I too am finding it impossible to complete this quest. Getting ready to rage quit wow. Especially since it is not possible to get others to group up to help. They say I am out of phase.
Same problem here. I died about 50 times had to mount my mammoth to repair. the second elite is impossible as a mage. I got it down to half, died and he gained all his health back. gave up and tried to write a bug report. I read they say get better gear. Hope that is not the case.
I am facing the same issue as a priest. I soloed the first elite add but the second elite didn’t even target me. He seemed to run past me to where Alexandros Mograine should’ve been and eventually reset because he ran too far. I can’t progress past this point.
i just completed it on my warrior but it was bugged as hell. The 2 elite NPCs you kill didn’t attack me and instead just did bugged pathing while evading 60-70% of my attacks. I got it down but the quest is absolutely busted
Having similar issues. Morgraine vanishes on the way to the fight. I could take the first mini boss by myself on my Rogue, just barely, but the second whoops me about halfway through. I know Morgraine is meant to come tank but when we head towards the battle, the scene phases out. I guess it’s bugged.
Fury Warrior, was able to down both mob spawns, nothing happened. Logged out then back in… nothing. Dropped quest repeated still nothing. That was yesterday. Did the same today. Still nothing! Pain to kill mobs with no completion. Banging head against wall… Please fix this!!
Having the same issue. Barely got the first guy down by dragging him out of the putrid belch range, Ructus is impossible as he is hunter, and wont come out of putrid belch zone, and I melt away in it, dying over and over. If this was a gearing issue I could accept that and go back when my item level was higher. But Alexandros Morgraine hasn’t appeared as stated in the several online guides. So the campaign quest isn’t functioning as intended. If this doesn’t get fixed soon, I will likely switch covenants.
Same problem here. Arcane mage, no Morgraine… I’m screwed on this quest. Hope to see it fixed soon.
I just completed this bugged quest with my rogue, what a pain. Alexandros NPC that was supposed to tank this battle phases out when entering the area where you do the body parts world quest. I have found if you kite the first mob up the stairs, not sure if it is a particular set of stairs or not, but in any case an invisible helper starts to take the agro away from you. The first of the two NPCs is obviously the easiest of the two you have to kill, you should be able to kill that first NPC rather easily once the argo is taken away. The second NPC can be a little more of a pain, but I found if you kite that toward and up the stairs behind Margrave Gharmal again some invisible NPC takes the agro away and the NPC starts sending its attacks toward Margrave Gharmal back toward the invisible NPC in front. This second NPC is trickier though as if you get too close you will regain the agro, so in my case I kept my distance and threw poisoned knifes at the second NPC you have to kill until I had it’s hit points down to a level I could manage and was able to heal with my crimson vial a few times. Best I could do otherwise was just down to about an eighth of the NPC’s health before dying as the add on was just a little too much for me. Hopefully this helps someone, at least until the bug is fixed.
same thing happened but I killed both adds and nothing happened
I cannot complete the quest on my rogue. I cannot complete the Kyrian campaign quest “Pursuit of Justice” because Morgain does not appear.
It has to do with the phasing. Alexandros does not enter the phase with you nor is he anywhere to be found. I cannot progress. I am honestly astonished this has not been fixed yet.
Glad to know I’m not the only one stuck here. Has anyone heard anything back or been able to complete this? Or are we waiting for reset and hoping they’ve fixed the issue.
Even those that beat the two mobs without Morgraine don’t seem to get quest completion so the general theory is it’s a phasing issue that needs addressed. No amount of abandoning and picking the quest back up or relogging has any effect.
Have (or have not) any of you swapped Covenants?
I really don’t want to but may end up switching covenants. Will give it a little bit more to see if it gets patched though.