Hi folks, when I play on PC, I get a purple outline around Disturbed Earth, which makes it easy to see while flying by. On the Mac it has a particle glow instead, and doesn’t seem to show up from far away. It’s also just not as obvious. Is there a setting that can make these items look like they do on the PC?
Having the same issue, no idea how to fix
There are two Outline mode settings in Options, one on the Graphics tab (in the Graphics Quality section) and one on the Interface tab (in the Display section). If either one is set to Disabled the purple outline won’t appear around Disturbed Earth or other lootable chests & bags. I haven’t been able to find any other graphics settings that have an effect on that (on an M1 Max).
I have both of those set to all the things, “Quest Objectives, Mousover, and Target” and I still get no purple glow on the Mac.
Solution: check settings for “outline” in interface as well as graphics. In the graphics quality box make sure “outline mode” is enabled and “projected textures” is also enabled. It seems this issue started for me because I dragged the quality slider to low. Hope this helps.