I’m trying to create a macro for Purge/Greater Purge, but I can’t seem to get both spells working.
I want it to cast the spell I have talented - prioritizing @mouseover, then if no mouseover, my current target.
I’m sure it isn’t too hard to pull off, I’m just having trouble making it work - all the macros with similar intent seem to be worried about focus targetting etc.
Thank you!
/cast [known:378773,@mouseover,harm,nodead][known:378773,harm] Greater Purge; [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm] Purge
That’s from one of the stickies, with the purify stuff taken out.
TBH I don’t know from Shamans, so I am uncertain whether it works, but it looks how a macro is supposed to look generally.
It works!
Thank you.
(Ill check stickies next time I swear
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If you don’t want the purify/cleanse you can simplify it down to following so it always shows the icons:
/cast [known:378773,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [known:378773] Greater Purge; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Purge