Thanks! I’ll give it a shot and see if it works like I was looking for. My question about this macro you posted is:
From how this reads to me it seems like I would have to mouse over either a friendly or enemy to get the PS or Purge casts off, and if I am not moused over anyone it would default to PS on myself. Is that correct? If so, it’s close to what I am looking for but not quite what I wanted.
I want it to ONLY cast PS if I am hovered over a friendly unit frame, otherwise I want it to just always cast Purge on my current enemy target I have selected (not moused over). Is that possible?
That will cast at your mouseover if it’s a friendly target. Otherwise it will cast at your current target; Purify Spirit if they’re friendly or Purge if they’re not friendly. If you don’t want to cast Purify Spirit when you have a friendly target selected and no mouseover then remove the [help].