Pure caster build

i dont like to dps hence why i play healers, is wanting to be a pure caster healer wrong for hole pally? i use judgement on cd mostly on bosses or a hard hitting trash mob and thats all i do. i only have the class talent to prevent damage with judgement i worked around all the holy talents to not have any melee talents.

Why play a pally at all then? just play priest.

We are Holy Warriors. we do damage.


i dont like how disc plays, and holy has to many buttons

Try resto shaman? They are ranged. Paladin was not the play if you don’t want to melee.

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is holy paladin less button that hpriest?

it actually sound slike disc is your play.

the shields that disc has for himself and the team are very OP

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You’re missing out on a substantial amount of ability CDR and holy power if you aren’t pressing Crusader Strike on CD.


my favorite healer is monk however do not and will never fist weave i am strictly a mist weaver.

You can talent into a cast-focused build by using Flash/Holy light as a substitute for crusader strike. Stack haste to speed up your generation. I could see it being viable up to Heroic in Raid. However, there is an expectation of healers dps’ing in mythic content so that’s about as far as you’ll make it with probably any class.

We’re definitely unique in the sense that our DPS and rotation requires us to be in melee more specifically, where other healers deal damage at range. It can be intimidating at first, but I’ve found in m+ with just a little more versatility and monitoring my DR cooldowns it’s actually not bad. I love being in the trenches with the melee dps.

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you should go back and look again. also look into a healing addon like healbot to help if too many things to press is stopping you.

wowhead has a caster build

You will be missing optimization. We are Melee healers in terms of Lore class and kit, we are plate users on the frontlines. you can have a caster build like the mist weaver. but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best available, at the end you play what makes you happy. But understand that some classes have flavor and the both healers you want to play, they heal based on DPS at their peak. Being part of a 5%-10% of the community that doesn’t like how M+ or the class is built should not affect the other 90-95% of players that want to be melee front-line healers that smash things.

The caster build is viable but you’ll still be in melee, especially in M+. Interrupting, stunning, and doing any meaningful DPS require you to be in melee range.

Being in range means you can’t use blinding light, rebuke, hammer range is short so that as well, no crusader strike.
You’ll need more haste for flash which takes away from the other stats that make you more viable.

There is no such thing as a caster play style and it needs to stop. It’s killing the class.

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Play what you like, you can probably do +10 or higher with caster build. You don’t need to interrupt if you have a good group, just like groups with a priest manage since they do no have an interrupt. You can occasionally walk to melee for blinding light if you want and to place a consecration.

This is no reason to purposely gimp yourself. Priests don’t have a choice.

Interrupting and stunning are more important than healing in keys, especially on higher levels.

Spec into interrupts and stay in melee; you’re just doing everyone in your group a disservice. It’s not only up to the DPS/tank to do it.

TLDR: You can cast in melee.

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Blizzard would disagree seeing as they literally added tower of radiance for that exact purpose

Technically Tower of Radiance, in its current form, only exist so that we would actually have a reason to cast HL and FoL because them not granting holy power crippled them in a build/spender spec.

Probably not enough to exclusively go into a caster play style considering how much of our other stuff wants us in melee.

If anything, Blizzard wants us to be melee healers who occasionally cast spells.

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