Punk Rock Fans

nice! haven’t seen them but i did get to see jets to brazil maybe 20 years ago, that kind of counts :slight_smile:

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I was with you until you said Ramones.

Maybe it’s because I grew up on the west coast.

I prefer Dead Kennedys or maybe The Stooges.

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I don’t want to be buried in a pet sematary!

That’s fine, we don’t have to group. The Ramones are mid at best.

I do enjoy Punk music. Mostly East Coast stuff though.

Someone linked the “Moon over Marin” album, although that was released after Biafra told them not to.

But without getting into the inner workings of one of punk’s greatest bands… I would have linked “Frankenchrist.”

Not only what I feel is their best work, but also put music and freedom of speech on display when the PMRC went after Biafra. Have you ever heard his spoken word album talking about it? It’s a good time. lol

But if you like punk, “Frankenchrist” should be required listening.


Only to four

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One of my favorite songs of all time happens to be a punk song; I Against I by Bad Brains.


Every time I think about Punk these two bangers immediately come to mind.


I went through a goth phase in high school. We co-opted a lot of punk groups. We were really bad at being goth.

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Fresh Fruit is my fave


“Fresh Fruit…” is a great litmus test to see if someone REALLY listens to music. Particularly how lyrics are important to a song.

Because everyone (including the PMRC) has such a knee-jerk reaction to the song “I kl children.” I mean… obviously. So much so, I didn’t even want to write the actual song title out.

But 90% of people read that song title and hear the overly aggressive punk rock style and … never listen to what the song is actually about.

It’s what made DK the best punk band ever. Everything Biafra wrote was 3-4 layers deep, all the punk haters never got past the first layer.

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The ramones , Sex Pistols and misfits are the only punk I listened to as a kid when I listened to punk that is - it wasn’t my main genre. But still some good hits from each.

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Manum manum!

I like Brian Setzer , but he is not punk, he started rockabilly and went big band , but he was never really punk. I used to hang in a punk bar and listen to stuff like Pop will eat itself and the Xmen and stuff along those lines. I was a little older than everyone around me , but it was a great venue.
The whole trick to Punk was to make the song have a message in spite of the slamming guitar and percussion , it was a blast.

Back in my rebellious teen days I did. Not so much anymore. A few songs, maybe.

I do love me some Avril

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