Punished for Playing the Game as Intended

So for the past few days, I’ve been leveling my first Timerunning character through quests, scenarios, LFR, and collecting achievements, in the hopes of getting as much done before 70 as possible, since I’ve read that once we hit 70, we’re basically in a world of pain.

This means I’ve gotten a lot of caches from completing zone achievements and the like.

This means I was not farming frog hyperspawns.
I see that the frog farms have been nerfed, and the bronze from caches buffed.

So now, because A) I played the game as intended to collect caches, and B) I didn’t exploit the frog farm, I’ve managed to get double-slapped by the hotfixes… I missed out on the frog farm benefits, and I missed out on all the bronze I could have gotten from the now-buffed caches.

(Let’s say I earned 40k or so before blowing most of it on mounts. That 25% buff would have been 50k or so all told, which isn’t exactly a trivial amount while leveling up.)

Blizzard, I’m enjoying Pandariastorm… er, Plunderia, but why do you have to make such short-sighted decisions which actively punish the players trying to do this the right way?



You are being punished yes.


Quested to 70.
Waited to do dungeons/raids.
Missed frog farming.
Feels bad man.


I just wish this wasn’t a recurring thing of “exploit as early and hard as you can before it gets nerfed.” I didn’t want to do frogs because it’s not my preferred playstyle, but apparently I missed out on a lot by not going as soon as possible.

And of course that buff to the caches hurts anyone who prioritized -those- in the first few days.


Dailies and raid and dungeons and scenarios are endless sources of caches - you will also benefit from increases to those.

Same here, finished 4 zones for the rewards I wanted figured I’d farm frogs once I hit 70… well now I’m forced to farm normal raids with others while others are soloing heroic


I completely agree with the rest of your post, OP, but let’s remember one thing: frog farming was NOT an exploit. Frog farming was done during the original release of Mists of Pandaria when Timeless Isle was current, relevant content. It is a design flaw on the part of Blizzard that this went unnoticed during internal testing. It is not the fault of any players, yourself included.

As Blizzard’s customers, it’s not our job to test things to make sure they work correctly.

(And I’m saying all of this as someone who NEVER actually did any frog farming, I’ve been leveling one character through story content up to Kun-Lai, and I’m still not 70. So, please don’t take my comments as a defense.)


The first I heard about the frogs was seeing it was nerfed, and immediately after saw the results of the people who exploited the frogs.

I don’t care about being first, I don’t care about being the best. I’ve got better stuff to do, and that includes taking the game at my own pace- But when the difference is my honest-leveled/geared DH having +3k Stam on my cape, and people who exploited the frogs having +70k stam? That killed so much of my motivation.
Zero reason to play an alt, because I have to re-unlock the jewelry for each alt I play.
Zero reason to farm on my main, because there’s no way I’m going to catch back up.
Zero reason to play the event I was enjoying because it’s just a reminder of real life- Cheat the system, or the system cheats you.


Except this wasn’t cheating, or an exploit. It was merely that a LOT of players found out about something that could make the PAIN of grinding a little more bearable, and Blizzard nerfed it. If it had been an exploit, everyone would be banned now (including the people at Wowhead.) It wasn’t.


You’re not being punished for other players abusing game mechanics before you. You never were intended to do that either. So the frog farm abuse is just being corrected, and it still rewards a decent amount of bronze for mindless farming. They are like other elites and drop threads and armor at times too.

As for the 20% buff: You have days upon days of bronze gained that someone starting right now wouldn’t catch up to you if you keep playing. Does it suck in retrospect? Yeah, but that’s life. Look at it half cup full and you’ll enjoy things much more lol


Frog farm just exacerbated a scaling/cloak nerf issue. If the cloak started off stronger/scaled more as we leveled, people who didn’t frog camp might have had a chance, couple the nerf with the scaling bug…nail in the coffin.


By creating a vast chasm between freshly leveled 70s, and those who have been able to upgrade their gear. We are already starting to see it in the premade finder, with DPS getting rejected at level 70 ad nauseum because they’re squishy as hell. The path to upgrade, for those who care, just became infinitely worse.


I have the same feelings and hate that i was actually excited to try to get back into the game in prep for war within.


Grinding cloak level wouldn’t be bad if we didn’t start from such a weak spot at 70.

The cloaks base level even after doing EVERY single quest is simply pathetic. The amount required to grind it up just to be viable…

We should be stronger as a fresh 70 simply put.


They will likely fix the scaling among other things (God I hope so…knock on wood).

Then we might be able to manage since we won’t be getting one shot and might provide some assistance at least while the Frog Gods carry us and they will finish their thing and get bored in a couple weeks.

Then we will reign supreme in a form of normalcy in hopefully a better functioning game mode.

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I mean what else did you expect out of the WoW players who are selfish? This kind of behavior was going to crop up 15-20 days after release when players grinding constantly would be at, compared to the absurd levels from frog farming that catapulted them. There are a lot of players who aren’t even 70, let alone grinding their stats at 70. The scaling is stupid and once fixed it shouldn’t matter.


thats 1 of the biggest problems blizzard has created. they have rewarded the behavior of looking for something to exploit as early as you can and abusing it as much as you can before they remove it. the only people that are punished are the people who didnt do it and theres no alternative to the exploit so the problem wasnt even fixed to begin with. this though wasnt even a exploit so much as blizzard doing what they do best and not testing anything or remembering about this from 10 years ago and offering something to make the grind suck less rather than leave it for 3 days before getting rid of it thus leaving us with people who have a massive advantage and always will have it and then those who dont and have to find a new less trash grind. i went into this expecting to play for months because i love mop but having to choose between spending my bronze to upgrade gear so that im not longer at the weakest ive ever been or buying the cosmetics pets and mounts that this event is about makes me want to grind it out as fast as i can and drop it


I understand your frustration

but it wasn’t a exploit, you literally just go there and kill frogs

it was a thing back in the original mop
u literally kill things until your fingers bleed

they need to buff bronze from all sources since they nerfed it now


I’m in a similar boat and feel punished by the changes as I’ve already quested and opened a bunch of caches. And I don’t want to grind out everything again to get accessory slot items.

I’m less annoyed by the “accelerated leveling” not actually being a thing and more annoyed by the cloak being one character only so you have to grind it up separately instead of this fun overpowered mode they promised.

I’m annoyed that I played “as intended” instead of cheesing and the “buffs” currently provided as a fix is a bit more of a penalty than a help for me.

I’m annoyed because I didn’t know the scaling was such an issue until I was already 63 and then tried to grind out the achievements for the accessories which turned out to be a miserable experience and I’m grateful for the groups that basically had to carry me.

I got the cape achievement toys (which I am told only appear to the person using them so…) and I’m not sure what my plan is for the rest of the event. I initially believed it was going to be a fun way of getting things from Pandaria that I don’t have and I was really excited but turns out its only for folks that want to put 8+ hours in every single day and then STILL might not get enough currency to grind out all the rewards they want. And it IS a grind, but still without the promise that treating it like a job will net you everything you want.

I have the option to maybe afk and que to wait for raids while I work on other things but after playing pretty hard since thursday, I only managed somewhere between 4-6 raids (and the other two dailies for dungeon and scenario) before I decided I was not having fun anymore, that it felt purely like work, that I’d already missed out on a bunch of bronze from quest caches and logged out.

This. And this isn’t fun.

A sizable bronze buff from all sources (and/or a reimbursement from what was already done at the pre-buffed caches) implemented soon is probably the only thing that will feel like some legit goodwill.


I’d reserve judgement once the week rolls in. There aren’t any excuses but if they fix most of the issues come Wednesday it’s not that big of a deal. If it takes them any longer though, shame on ‘em for keeping it slow and grindy.